heeeelp cannabis masters!!


New Member
The key to using any nutes is watching ur plants, if ur using MG wait til their at least 3 wks old & MG has a spoon with a big & little spoon, u want to use the little spoon & dont use more than 2 of them... Remember less is more !!! Ya the other stuff if probably better for when u get more into this but for now this is ur best bet without draining ur wallet, let the plant tell u what she needs....
Knowing the plants is critical for sure but that is a learned trait and takes time. A couple of meters goes a long way in the learning curve. No matter what you grow in or what nutes you use. keeping the correct range in ppm and ph is the key to using any of these products correctly.

A good Bible, ph pen, and ppm pen is the place you should start and any advice given here or elsewhere needs to be investigated before implimenting.

Good Luck