Helga: the queen in snow white. a true tale

The story you herd about snow white is nothing but lies. The so called evil queen was not evil at all rather an unsung heroine in a male dominated society. Picture it, southern Germany 1540. A 10 year old girl named Helga just lost her father he was the owner of a small chain of bakeries, but because she was a woman she could not own them, and because she was so young she could not get married to a man who could. it was as tragic as it could be. she was left with 2 options, A: be shipped off to some orphanage in the Americas, which at the time was a death sentence for the rif raf of European society or B: hide her fathers body and tell no one he died. she choose the latter and ran the bakery telling everyone he is on vacation all the time, because business is so good. 14 hard years she managed to keep that lie and expanded her bakery shop chain through out all the southern provinces of Germany when she met a man he was a hunter and a very unlikely match for a woman of such a large estate, but then again royalty is always attracted to trash. they fell in love and got married in Paris at Notre dame. she told him her secret and he was furious, so he began running the business himself. this was Helga territory. she knew every nook and cranny of her business, she knew where to get the best flour, she also knew that the man she had married was running the business in the ground. never in her 14 years of running the bakeries had she had a debt and now she was up to her ears in them. she went to a witch she heard about who lived in a cave just outside of town. The witch was very kind to her because she wasn't at all evil she was very affable, warm and quite endearing. she was a run away from a catholic dungeon. her only crime was saving people from the plaque. the church banned all herbal remedies as it was considered the work of the devil. But the thing is when that's the only medicine you have it takes a brave soul to go out and try to help people with it. Helga asked the witch if she could help her with her husband driving the business she built since she was 10 into foreclosure. the witch learned to hate men. it was a male dominant society of course and they had very much felt the reality of how hard it is to be a girl in the 16th century. so the witch gave her a potion. some may call it poison but really all it was is a powerful sleeping potion. it would put her husband to sleep for a year or 2 which was just enough time for Helga to build the business back up and pay off all the debts. it was a brilliant idea and her husband would wake up 2 years later thinking it was simply the next day.

Helga built her business and expanded her chain through out all of Germany in less than a year. with no debts she decided it was time to cut her over head buy buying vast amounts of land through her husbands name. this land is now known as southern Germany. she opened villages, created jobs, and even opened hospitals that used herbal remedies with much greater success than drilling holes in peoples heads. it was through her husbands name that she was the greatest leader of her time. one day her husband woke up. he walked out of his room and down the hall he could hear her talking about what a success everything is to her friend who was a well known witch and wanted for treason of the church. he asked a servant and she told him everything that happened while he was asleep. furious he went to Helga and smacked her down. he threatened to divorce her by sending her to the gallows. woman can not own land and they know nothing about running a country, at least that's what he was convinced of. in desperation she grabbed a knife and slight his thought. little did she know a servant was watching behind the counter ducked under a chair. with all the commission she didn't want to make her presence known. she spread the word soon all of the southern provinces knew that all this time a woman has rise to power and has been running the show on everything. the scandal was absolute harrecy and she would have had her head cut off for doing all that she did if it wasn't for the very high revenue she generated for the church. so she put on her crown and became known not as a bakers daughter, not a wife to a hunter, but queen of all the southern German provinces. no one liked getting orders from a woman, especially a woman who rose to power through adversity. hardened by a life of struggle, adversity, scandal, and many secretes she felt sympathy for no one. and why should she, she was living proof there is nothing in this world you cant have, especially if your a woman. she re married of course and had a beautiful step daughter named snow white. she was a prissy, spoiled little shit. her father did it to her. and while snow whites father was a good man and loving husband Helga persistently tried to get snow white to go out and get her hands dirty by doing a few choirs. it builds character and lets a child appreciate things a little more. he couldn't bear to think that snow white should do medial tasks such as washing the dishes after dinner or folding towels. but when he died he left a will. It said that snow white will receive a trust fund when she turns 18 and she is to be sent to England for a proper education. the queen honored the will and for 6 years continued to hear ridicule and slander from kings across the land. but when snow white came back she ran away and told everyone that her mother tried to kill her when really all she asked was for her to wash the dishes. the word spread quickly. everyone hated the queen simply because she was queen but this was the last straw for the people in the kingdom. riots broke lose. and while those riots broke out snow white was living it up on the back seat of a chariot with 7 dwarfs and a Rastafarian drag queen named coco, if that tells you anything about her life style.

The queen needed to silence these lies so she asked her good friend to whip up some of that potion that she gave to her husband. then she infused it into an apple and sent a begger woman to do the deed. snow white fell for it and word spread far and wide. Greg, an engish nobel mans son who dated snow white in prep school got word and immediately assembled all the physicians he could. he then began searching for her. and when he found her and treated her nothing would make her wake up. he sent away his men, kneeled down, and kissed her goodbye. and amazingly she woke up right at that moment. greg immediately asked her hand in marriage, and thinking he was someone else she was all too happy to agree. why not her trust was gone, and she kinda burned her bridge with living with her step mom and later becoming a queen. and they lived hapilly ever after. later of course Helga had a few problems while snow white was silenced the kingdom was more worried about the french. they came in masses sounding the drums of war. the land was ravaged and conqured in a war later known as the french occupation. her legacy was scatered to the winds, the truth of her life was lost by war and replaced by an english fairy tale told by a spoiled trust fund baby. and that is the true story of the greatest queen who ever lived.
Cool story, bro!

I'm just kidding :lol: it was quite an interesting read... I really like the old tales and fables, anything by Aesop, The Brothers Grimm etc. I find it helps to keep the mind young and fertile. Was this one of those "truth behind the tale" things, or just a fanfic? Either way, it's always cool to see the classics get some recognition, or become re-imagined.

  • "he was a hunter and a very unlikely match for a woman of such a large estate, but then again royalty is always attracted to trash"

Lol, so true. Reminds me of the stark modern day predicament of many perfectly fine young women who somehow end up in relationships with absolute wasters who inevitably knock them up and then gradually wear them down to shells of their former selves. :roll: