*helicopters got me all freaked out*


Well-Known Member
OK i'm just after some debate on this because it's all a bit scary for me...''

Now i don't want to give too much away but i grow a fairly modest set with just a 400w at the moment in my spare bedroom.

It is in a basic tent all i do is leave the window open in the bedroom for the exhaust fan to blow out from the tent and carbon filter etc.

I do not have an intake fan or have needed it one.

Now my main problem is when i open the tent the light is as you know is bright and can beam out the windows like a spotlight!

I'm working on some blackout blinds which can be put up and taken down quickly so i can open the tent without worrying about people outside seeing the light.

Now this helicopter has been twice very close to my place and has hovered within good range of me. I 've been doing it for a good couple of years using this system. I don't think for one minute it's for me but my friend spooked me abit.

He said they take photo's using infered camera's which can see through bricks and windows and if so would and could see my tent and lamp BURNING on?.

However he did go on the say that this is done normally at night time to make it see heat better. My lamps go off around 8.00 pm.

I just would like to hear do i need to look at this as a problem the exhaust thats takes the heat and blows out the window something that would show up? when you put your hand their it's just about warm air let alone hot.

I try not to wory but any other views may prove helpful...''


Active Member
You said you have a 400w? well I really don't think there is much to worry about... I mean there are these HPS lights that light up my apmnt right outside my door.

I really think the big deal about the heli is the HUGE setups... the ones that have 1000w x like 15 or something...

do you get what I'm saying?


Well-Known Member
Okay....this isn't directed at you, this was me in another thread that was full of misinformation. But it does effect you.....I just copied and pasted what was written before.

Originally Posted by socalkushman
pot plants give off there own signature of heat...having the lights help none...:weed: unless your shits insulated..you stand a high chance of being caught..they also look at power usuage!

Wow.....if you think that the cops FLIR is going to see your plants heat signature in the closet of your house while your lights are off....wow....thats all I can say. People, I worked with US Military UAV assets in Iraq and Afghanistan that have the best IR detection around....please don't listen to all this fearmongering because its just that. I WISH we could have seen heat sigs of people inside buildings (and no Iraqi and Afghani houses are usually NOT insulated at all), it would have made our jobs WAAAAY easier. Don't dump your heat in your attic or outside if you are a commercial grower.....if you have a closet grow you can dump your heat at your leasure....it will not be enough to call attention to your op.


Well-Known Member
think basic 400w light and then a cold room plug electric heater . local heat source just as visable under infra red and a small heater is about 850w so 400w i wouldn't be bothered unless my exhaust was atleast warm to the hand. even then a tumble dryer vent puts a lot of heat and peaple vent these through windows, doors and cat flaps.

growem green-----------------spike.


Well-Known Member
Omg fdd that helicopter one is so cool. Ur whispering haha. They can hear you!. How can u grow all that weed and stuff? out in the open? Near ur neighbours!? Im guessing ur american ye?


Well-Known Member
though a grow light shining out the window at night is a dead give away. ray charles could see that without a helicopter. :)


Well-Known Member
LMAO!!! Great footage hahahaha. never seen that before but.... yes paranoia played a big factor in that LOL


Well-Known Member
"you are nothing but a chameleon lemon headed coward careless pussy and im after you buddy and your gonna pay for it! good night!" classic....

skippy pb

Well-Known Member
FLIR cant see through walls im not sure if this has been covered yet in this thread but FLIR is just a camera that takes picture that display heat. The only thing i would say, which isn't that big but it was in the video with the cops is that cops that use FLIR look for windows that expel heat. It was recommended to vent the heat into other parts of the house, maybe through your heating/cooling system.


Well-Known Member
You said you have a 400w? well I really don't think there is much to worry about... I mean there are these HPS lights that light up my apmnt right outside my door.

I really think the big deal about the heli is the HUGE setups... the ones that have 1000w x like 15 or something...

do you get what I'm saying?
Yep that's right even if they did see it, not exactly bust of the century..'' You have said are after the big 1000w growers. Now the one's i hear about that are getting busted don't get caught by a helecopter but by smell, or just suspicion activity which is the opposite to my grow set up, so i will relax on it and continue to grow and enjoy, thanks for feedback :weed: