Hella Light Problem


Well-Known Member
allright, heres my delimah if thats even how you spell that shit, anyways, look i went out yesterday, and i got these two 70, watt hps lucolax 70 ge bulbs, they are indeed hps, im doing this small cause well you'll see pretty small deal i got going on, well my "ballast" one is from a standing lamp lmfao... like a tall lamp.... anyways... its got a 150 watt max and the other is a "clamp light" with a 300 watt max soi i was like "eh, one 26 watt cfl and a 70 watt hps should work with no problems" yeash fuck that i went and spent fourty bucks on these two bulbs, and a couple splitters and some new flouros cause yeah why the hell not um well turns out the hps bulbs dont light up not in the "ballast" by itself or anyhitng with the cfl nothing, i guess all taht im asking is why the hell they wont light up? WHY?!?!?!?!?
forgive me...
im just a bit upset heres a few pictures of what i have set up for now, i just want to know what i have to do to get them to light up and help my stupid ass...
please... im real upset about this...
heres some pics of the current...

poor looking plant...(nitrogen deif.)



Well-Known Member
your ballast must be for high pressure sodium and should match the wattage of the bulb,so I think you need to get a 150w hps ballast for your lights to work


Well-Known Member
Yep, you need a ballast. Take them back and stick with Cfls (Cfls also need a ballast but they are built it, that is what that big bulge at the base of the bulb is).


Well-Known Member
sounds like you dont know what a ballast is. a ballast looks liek this http://www.progressive-growth.com/prodimages/hps_ballast.jpg

if you just screw a HPS bulb into a regualr socket nothing will happen or you might have even wreck the bulbs.
i know waht a ballast is thats why i said "ballast" i knew it wasnt one, i just assumed what i had would work...
so umh...
somone got any cheap suggestions as to something that would work for meh?
just dont forget im not a damn electrician
just something simple and cheap, thanks...
please help...


New Member
Well, like they said you just need a new ballast, they aren't that cheap but without one you wasted your money on the bulb...


Well-Known Member
Sorry to jack your thread nobustincaps, but I am getting so sick of this myspace/facebook generation of chicks who think that just because there are web sites to host pictures of yourself, they are models. YOU ARE NOT A FUCKING MODEL! How self centered are these bitches that think we all need to see a different picture of them every week.
are you talking about me? because i havent changed my picture since i've joined this site and my picture is me. sorry if you dont like it. kind of out of line to post and personally attack someone when its not even the subject of this thread. if you have no constructive help then why the fuck are you here?
Im not a myspace/facebook generation. Im not sure what makes you so high and mighty but Im 23 years old. not fucking 12 like the myspace generation. sorry to burst your little bubble there.

and im not sure how i ever implied that i was a model. its a fucking picture of me. thats all. i do not claim to be a model and I dont change my fucking picture every week. you should gtfo.

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
Sorry to jack your thread nobustincaps, but I am getting so sick of this myspace/facebook generation of chicks who think that just because there are web sites to host pictures of yourself, they are models. YOU ARE NOT A FUCKING MODEL! How self centered are these bitches that think we all need to see a different picture of them every week.

Who died and made you the Board Police?

While I'm at it... why are you attacking the women? I notice you didn't comment on the men who post different pics of hot half naked women they find on the Internet as their Avatars!

You really should MYOB and worry about YOURSELF and not what other people, who are harming NO ONE, are doing with THEIR Avatars!


Well-Known Member
Oooohhh... a little frustrated, eh?

Hey, anyone else notice the tags on this one? I love it, "lights" and "stupid grower". :lol: Dude, don't be so harsh on yourself.


Well-Known Member
Desert Sativa- Apparently your narrow-minded and self-centered comments stem from a lack of wisdom. Let me help you: Each person on earth is struggling to get through life; we all have different story. In my opinion, we share certain human traits, like having feelings and wishing to be treated with some degree of dignity. For some, that's the most they can hope for in this life.
When people such as you disparage others for no meaningful reason it tends to highlight your immaturity and the shallowness of your understanding of humanity. Perhaps you are also a bigot and a racist?


Well-Known Member
Sorry to jack your thread nobustincaps, but I am getting so sick of this myspace/facebook generation of chicks who think that just because there are web sites to host pictures of yourself, they are models. YOU ARE NOT A FUCKING MODEL! How self centered are these bitches that think we all need to see a different picture of them every week.
Look man i've had IT!!! PEOPLE PUTTING UP PIC'S OF THERE SMELLY HAIRY PUSSY'S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!