Hello again!


Well... I just had a question. My seeds have cracked. got that far I have 1 inch rock wools. I know I need to put them in taproot facing down correct? Okay after that is done Should I leave then in a dark area that is warm until they sprout!?

:peace: Thanks alot. :peace:

Need as much input and tips as I can get. Thanks all!


Active Member
Another thing, either make your own new hole in the rockwool cube, or poke a pencil knife near the hole and use the new cut. The reason is , those pre-drilled holes if not completely filled by a root will allow air to travel down to thr roots, causing an Air Embalizm*(spelled right??or wrong) Anyway, Rockwool is great stuff when used right. Good luck and um o.k. Lights On!!!


Active Member
"those pre-drilled holes if not completely filled by a root will allow air to travel down to thr roots, causing an Air Embalizm"
Utter nonsense!!!
Air getting to roots is a good thing!
Many people prefer to make their own holes in roskwool because the predrilled ones are often too deep or can be compacted at the end.
By all means, make your won holes in r/w, but use something smaller than a pencil.
Once a taproot is out, put the r/w under lights, making sure the cube doesnt dry out. 78deg is perfect


Active Member
Firstly, i said, a pencil KNIFE, meaning an exacto knife. and no i didnt mean poke it all the way though to the other side. And yes ,air to the roots is a good thing. what i meant was that sometimes if you plant a skinny stem into a big fat hole the air will cause it to not root, i think it's called an 'Embalizm' thank you for the spelling. my point was ,that it is easier to take the knife blade and make a deep slit(not hole) and slip your cutting into it, thus avoiding air exposure right at the rooting site. Thats' all i meant. If you still don't like that explanation, thats' fine to, was just trying to help.


Active Member
Woodydude, i just re-read your post, and i think we are both talking about the same thing ,cept' perhaps i worded it differently. No?


Alright well good news guys! my seedling is starting to sprout yay! Checked on her this morning... So I wanna thank all of you for your input... was very helpful! I ended up using a little screw driver that came with my PH meter. worked really well, I am going to use fox farms nutrients, I am still not 100% on how much I should be using or when I should start adding them. I would really appreciate your input or pointers. Thanks again! [FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica][/FONT]


Well-Known Member
First off, congrats !! You've crossed your first important milestone. Above all, do no harm. Setbacks cost time. No nutes needed for the first two weeks. Just RO water or any water without chlorine PH'd of course. not a lot of water either. they are easily drowned by too much love and water. It'll be hard but really all you have to do is put them in a dome with low light like a cfl and check on them every three to five days. After they have "struck" and you have "profuse roots" come on back and we'll tell you what next. Just try not to kill it. it's a little baby, not a new Tonka truck !! Quit fucking with it and just let it do it's thing. If you have only one or two clones and it is looking real lonely in the dome, you can put about an inch of media in the bottom to maintain the moisture levels inside the dome.
good luck


Well-Known Member
"those pre-drilled holes if not completely filled by a root will allow air to travel down to thr roots, causing an Air Embalizm"
Utter nonsense!!!
Air getting to roots is a good thing!
Many people prefer to make their own holes in roskwool because the predrilled ones are often too deep or can be compacted at the end.
By all means, make your won holes in r/w, but use something smaller than a pencil.
Once a taproot is out, put the r/w under lights, making sure the cube doesnt dry out. 78deg is perfect
I'm hoping you didn't mean it to sound like that but terms like "utter nonsense" are a bit harsh !! No one wants to hear that shit and if you were standing within a left hook of the guy you are talking about you wouldn't say shit like that. At least not twice, not to me. Use a little decorum


Active Member
Just as well i should'nt profess to knoww of things unless i'm sure. That was an understanding about pre-drilled holes i've always had, but it very well could be nonsense. I'm not an expert, i'm just relaying what i know in hopes to help. Antway good luck on your new grow.


Well-Known Member
you must be the other guy on here that isn't embarrased to admit he doesn't know everything.
Glad to meet you !!


Ha okay guys... So i guess the hard part is over I been checking on her PH and all that good stuff... I been having a little bit of issues with the PH no biggie tho, I have been having to add PH down to keep it where it needs to be... But it was just something cheap that I found around town. I am going to order something a little better ASAP. now as far as flushing the water out!? How long should I go before changing the water? Thanks :peace: