Hello All


Well-Known Member
I am new here on your site. I have been running a very succesful forums and video gaming clan. For like 5 years now. Well I justt wanted to say I got the feeling of "home" while here on your forums. I know how it can be to run forums and keep a community together.

I am growing rightnow for the first time (indoor). It is going realy well. I appreciate all the info and the laughter i get from reading the stickys and the posts here.

I just wanted to say thnx for having me and I hope to stick around and share some stories and pictures. My babies are in their ninth week. four are from seed and 10 are clones. It is such a joy to go and tend to them, water them etc. I will post some pics but I feel real n00bish asking this but, on my forums for the game to post pics I use photobucket. Is that how you all do it here??

Also we knoe we all are smokers here, thats a given, but most smokers I know also game. So any gamers out there?

I will keep in touch , keep up the good work. Everyone so far has been realy helpful and informative and just realy kind.


Well-Known Member
What's up pjboy31,

Welcome to ROLLITUP and if you like video games there is an arcade here at ROLLITUP that you might take interest to. Yeah this is a great site filled with funny and VERY helpful people, and yes you can use photobucket for your photo's so go ahead and post them suckers up ( love pics.)!

I'm not really into games NO MORE but occasionally I'll engage in some.

Well make sure you keep in touch and welcome to ROLLITUP! Hope to see you around!



Well-Known Member
Welcome mate.....so comeon, don't be shy....let's see some pics of you girls mate, would love to see!

You can also upload pics direct to this site as well, when you "reply" to a post, not "quick reply", scroll down from the message box and you will see "manage attachments", where you can upload photos to your thread. There is also the pic gallery as well.


Well-Known Member
oh, and I wouldn't call myself a gamer, but I do enjoy the odd computer game. Splinter Cell is my bitch to be honest.........love it!! I get every release as soon as it comes out and my girlfriend feels very neglected until I complete it.

But she has just bought a Wii and is obsessed with Zelda, so she can't moan too much now! HA! :)


Well-Known Member
lol my wife was all like....you play too many video games! But then my clanbmates and I invited her into our gaming world, got her a comp and now she plays as much if not more than me. She and I are the founders(leaders ) of our clan. Also, I just bought her a wii too. Lmao.

I will post some pics today I want to take some nice ones to show off. I went to bed last night just warm and fuzzy inside thinking about you all and this sight. Man life is good eh?


Well-Known Member
ok lets see if this worked. Here are some old pics I will update them today when my babies wake up. I have some realy nice bud growth right now, but mind you it has just started so dont expect "colas " yet........lol



Well-Known Member
cool it worked let me give some more. These pics were taken outside on my Jacuzzi steps. I have a kick a** hottub. I used to be a Jacuzzi dealer.............enjoy the pics


Well-Known Member
hmmm yeah well I try to give three pics but only one or two is actualy making it. Sorry guys maybe I am to n00bish......lol later I will use photobucket I gues unless some one knows what I am doing wrong......


Well-Known Member
Hey pj...I'm new here, too. Learning a TON on this site!

My wife and I were in a Rainbow Six 3 clan on our X-BOX's a couple of years ago. I now have one 360 and my 10 year old son and I love the shooters.

I haven't played a PC shooter since Quake 1 and 2 back in the day, but would love to pick it up again. What games does your clan play?


Well-Known Member
hey stickstones, We play Jedi Academy and a realy good fast paced shgooter CSS (counter strike source) I pay for all the servers so we have all the admin controls and what not. We also play battlefield 2 , unreal 2004 and a new shooter you and your son may like and it is FREE, is war rock. I have a 12 year old son and a 7 year old and they are both members of our clan. We are a family friendly clan. We provide a safe fun place for our friends and family to play. Good to meet you!


Well-Known Member
nice pics

you put em outdoors for pics? right....

are you using a ph tester for water?

because i see that the ends of your leaves are yellow which makes em droopy. so either your water is off or your feeding to much nutes for your plant to handle.

just thought i would tell ya.

welcome to the forum.


what games do you play?


Well-Known Member
yeah i recently started testing my ph, those are old pics new ones are on the way. The babies look nice and vibrant now. Also I dont use tap water, I use a water service and I am using some fertilizer. Also I am so excited meh wife is letting me get a co2 kit today!!!!!!!!!!w00t


Well-Known Member
also in some of the pics the leaves look drooped because a fan is blowing on the babies and yes outside for pic day only..........lol any comments or ideas would be greatly recieved. I am not a pro just a smoker!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
I will check out war rock...I assume I can find it on a search engine.

I've played some unreal before...could probably pick up 2004. I miss the clan action and playing with someone in my house like we used to with the 2 XBOX's. (Now we occassionally roll with a Halo LAN party.)

Also, I have played some counter strike in the past (remember that sorry port to the XBOX?).

I would much rather get my kid playing on the PC (we have 2) instead of a console just for the fact that he may want to program or get creative someday. Let me know how you guys recruit...I think you can pm on this site.

Keep bringin' the pics!


Well-Known Member
yeah I also have a ventrilo server and my clan is realy big on helping . if you want just go to warrock.com Also if you need any comp help we have a bunch of good guys and gals as well as myself who know our way around a comp. I have four comps networked and we all play at the same time.


Well-Known Member
sorry in case yopu dont know ventrillo is a voice program so I can talk with all my guys and gals around the world. It is realy cool and except for what I pay , it is free for everyone I give an invite too..........