Hello all!


Hi everyone,

This is my second year of growing, I'm based in the uk and have been growing organically outdoors.

Last year (my first year of ever trying) I managed to grow quite a few plants quite successfully and I'm still smoking the rewards. Wasn't sure what variety they were (was just given a load of seeds). Lost quite a few plants to grey mild which sucked but was still happy with my results.

This year I'm putting a lot more time and effort into my plants, especially when it comes to increasing their resilience to fungus and mould. This years crop includes:

Sugar black Rose x 2
Raw diesel
Purple maroc
Critical +
Auto haze x 5
Jock horror auto

My first autos should be ready in a few weeks so looking forward to how they taste. My second batch of autos should be ready in July to keep me going for the summer.


Active Member
What preventative measures did you have in mind? Organically there are only a few choices that are truly affective just wondering what you had in mind.


I have been using garlic extract during watering to increase root stimulation as well as spraying with a dilute garlic solution on the leaves and stem. My only real concern is mold as the area they are grown in consists of bracken and bramble leading to very few crop pests, however if any do occur the garlic should deter them as well.