Hello everyone!

Thanks man. As long as everyone is over 14 im cool with it. Im not trying to get booted already but can we talk about other drugs?


Well-Known Member
yea but you got me icant spell for shit but its a section called halucanatory ? you know what i mean


Well-Known Member
We can talk about anything.. I run a politics site it you want to see what news is posted there as well.

Welcome to RIU.

I notice some over 18 are more like under 14 so I know what you mean.. Add race hate and Sex hate and you have where I was for a while.. That finally ran me off, Now they are making "friendship" the issue to enforce Conformity.

Conformity sux...

Welcome tho...

Do you like the Kinks?

Grumpy Old Dreamer

Well-Known Member
Do you like the Kinks?
I think I remember going to a Kinks concert 20 - 30 years back, I definitely went, it's just the remembering that I have difficulty with. I do remember being so shit-faced that I could barely walk, talk or barely function as a living organism .... ah, those were the days.


Well-Known Member
I feel if we are to ever legalize we will have to accept other forbidden thing into our Society.

I mean didn't Wyoming beat a man and leave him tied to a fence alone for days and he died? Why because he was Gay?
Not good.

Here is a song that had me laughing.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-H7h8NkyrZ8

So I'll try to be accepting.. I am somewhat uncomfortable being the only non-gay Man on the Couch tho, in a group of strangers.. Sorry I'm human just not hateful.

Pardon the ramble smokebud247 it's just that this topic is a polarizing issue that never gets resolved if we don't talk about it when it comes up.

The kinks are a little old school for my tastes. I do believe that the Davies brothers deserve mountains of credit for the influence they had on there era.

Thanks for the welcome guys