Hello from Cape Cod


Well-Known Member
Thank you for allowing me on the forum.

I just turned 70, and my wife and I have lived on Cape Cod since 1979. Prior to that all my marijuana exposure was in college in the early 70s. After graduating, I never touched it. Lost all interest due to life and earning a living.

Massachusetts voters got it on the ballot about 10 years ago, and to everyone's surprise, it passed! As a result, I developed a fascination with it. Read everything I could find on the subject. I was amazed at how far weed, and growing methods had progressed. In college I had buddies who grew weed in flower pots in ultra secret locations deep in the woods. Parking their cars a mile away to avoid detection. Most of it was junk, but it was still interesting.

Suddenly there's so much information out there in print, online and in person it difficult to keep up with it all.
I began growing 7 years ago. Based on a lot of bad advise, I tried autos. Miserable failure. But I saw what others were doing, and that encouraged me to keep going. Bought a 4x4 tent with all the bells and whistles and my wife and I are having a great time. I getting ready to begin a new grow in a week or so with 5 new autos I've never tried before. I'll post the results.
Welcome to RIU. Mozy on over to the journals section and start one. Looking forward to see what you got goin on.
Welcome to RIU!!! Listen to the smart ones (I’m not one of them) and you’ll be in good shape :razz: