Hello from Japan...

$ean $homojo

New Member
Hey sup, my name is $ean $homojo
Im an artitst residing in Japan and wanted a smokers perspective on how I can make this visual more trippy to appeal to an audience of stoners. Any feedback is welcome.... here is the link...

The name of it is "Black Rapper Gang Rapes Japanese Girl"

all my contact info is on my youtube.
Hey sup, my name is $ean $homojo
Im an artitst residing in Japan and wanted a smokers perspective on how I can make this visual more trippy to appeal to an audience of stoners. Any feedback is welcome.... here is the link...

The name of it is "Black Rapper Gang Rapes Japanese Girl"

all my contact info is on my youtube.

Were...were you eating a sammich to hardcore Japanese pRon in that video?