Hello from North Texas


Hello I thought my first post would be to say hello from the site I read the most! Well a little about me, I'm a transplant from WA and seem to really like it here in TX but is a little flat but lots to do. Im thinking about trying my hand at a CFL grow but I need seeds first. Unfortuntly my job does random drug test so I cant smoke. But I have friends on the lookout from other friends to get me some seeds to start my grow. So when that time comes I will probely start a grow log. It will be fun I'm excited but board of growing veggies:(
Well I will keep reading for now talk at you later. Happy smoking wish I could join you!!!!!



New Member
Be careful who you tell Swa, the more people that know you grow the easier it is to get caught. Attitude seedbank's guarantee with a shirt is bad ass.


Active Member
Welcome SWA. I recently moved to that area too. No hills, no trees and when the winds blow out of the west it stinks of cow poo. I digress. Jellwood007 is right, be very careful bc one friend tells one, and they tell two friends, and so on and so on. Saftey first, then teamwork. Good luck to you!


Thanks for the info guys I will be carefull and think I will just order from Attitude seedbank's if that is your best recomendation. I was just having a friend get me a shitty bag of green bud and take the seeds and toss the weed to another friend but I think the seedbank will be a better idea but will have to go to the store and get a disposable gift card.. After looking at all the different strains I was thinking some Northern Lights or Bubblelicious as they are short and seem to grow very easy for the new guy. But if Im going to try this and do this I want to grow to WOW shit you know what I mean? Is there any other strains you recamend? excuse my spelling! Also do you think I should not do a jurnal online here so their is no chance of getting in trouble? Do the FUZZ watch these sites?



Active Member
I've heard nothing but good things about Attitude, so it's a good way to go. Lot's of people journal, and I can't think of why it would be an issue. In regards to piggies, who knows. I would think the volume of people who using this site would make it really difficult to watch. Just be careful, do your research and be sure and ask the experts here for help-- they're incredibly insightful, and can save you the pain of making mistakes they had to learn the hard way. I've asked some dumb questions and the response is rarely negative feedback. Oh and have fun too! Cheers.


Well-Known Member
†L† my god, it sounds like lubbock, I hope not ;)

Right now I'm in a hilly part of tx, but I'm more used to the swampland, 1.6 million people part....as far as the wind, you'll either grow to love it or hate it, I tend to love it as long as I'm not trying to light, roll, break up something....yes, I do it in reverse, 'cuase thats how I roll... ;p

oh, side note, does anyone know what the dot is under, well for me, stranger? what changes it? posts? mods? mystical forces to illustrious for my mortal mind to comprehend?