Hello from Sonoma~ Outdoor workshop/shed SOG grow* asking for wisdom


New Member
Greetings in the name of His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie the First of Ithiopia.

In Sonoma County and trying to get together my first indoor grow in compliance with prop 215...

I'm growing in a 12' by 9' outdoor shed/workshop that has nice carpet and suitable electrical running to it. The shed has four slider windows providing good circulation of air and while it isn't in a climate controlled house (also not a tin shed) there's only some insulation built into the unit.

The shop ALSO gets used for my other work... it has an L shaped work table in the corner that I need to keep clear as it gets used a few times a week for several hours.

Because of the more abrupt drops in temperature going on in an outdoor shop, plus the need to keep the space useable--- I'd like to run a collection of smaller grow tents, aiming at an eventual SOG perpetual grow.

reasoning: hoping the tents will provide superior insulation year round (compared to alternatives) plus allows me to easily *stack?* or position a couple more tents with the GOAL of having (eventually) a PERPETUAL SOG.


small, shorty, "mother-keeper"/"stacker" type tent to quickly veg clones and, maybe possibly, keep a mother.

I need specific advice one of these shorty-type veg tents that's well insulated tent designed for
(preferably) two individual 2 foot 4 bulb T5s

(i like the idea of two 2 footers since it would allow me to use one side (or shelf maybe?) for a cycle and other side to introduce the next or keep the mother)


Another shorter, 4x2' type tent (but could be larger I guess). Not sure if I should just get a 600 HPS and fill the whole tent with plants.. or get two lower wattage (250w? 400?) HPS' allowing me to introduce plants to 50% of the space (under one light) then later (after I ID a good blend of nutes technique strain) add another interval cycle filling the rest of the tent under the second low wattage hps.


I'm really hopin for specific ideas about products i.e. "the best tent to use in this situation" or "the best strategy/brand/model/wattage" of light/lights. Also looking for advice on a strain that does great with an organic SOG considering my space issues. Lastly:

HOW MANY PLANTS SHOULD I RUN TO START AND what size/depth of container(s) should I be vegging/flowering in?

Massive respect to anyone who reads this or anyone who can help me out... I've been lurking/searching for long enough and decided I need to get out and ASK you guys and gals. As we all know, the over saturated market of brands who provide, usually, very little info on their products, makes it a daunting task to separate the wisdom from the rubbish.

Give thanks:peace:


Well-Known Member
Hello there,

From what I have seen, tents are pretty dependent on the temperature of the room they are in. If the shed gets hot, so to will the tents. No amount of tent insulation is going to change that. As far as tents go, the secret jardin tents are on the top end of the quality, and they go down to nameless ebay models. I picked up a 5x5x7 at my local hydro store for 165 plus tax, and am pretty happy with it. Its a no name tent, but it doesn't have any major light leaks, and the material is thicker then some of the other tents I have seen.

Regardless of whether you use a 400 or a 600, you will need a good inline fan to vent the tent. You can either cool the room with an ac, and vent into the room from the tent, or vent the tent thru a window.

As to your how many plants/ size of container thats pretty dependent on what your goals are. You can do sog in small 16 oz solo cups, all the way to several gallons. Just depends on how much yield you want and how often. IMO 1 gallon seems to be a respectable size. you can squeeze a lot of plants into a space in 1 gallons, and they have enough root mass to give some good yields per plant.

As far as particular strains, everyone will have a different answer for you, but generally the best plants for sog are indica dominant that makes mostly one solid cola. Seen many successful Blueberry cheese, GDP, critical mass, NL, super skunk, etc etc. There are thousands of choices out there, so theres really no right answer.


New Member
Much thanks and respect Papapayne. I've gone with a variety of strains to see which will perform best, then I plan on going with that strain full time... Yes the tent temp is very much dependent on ambient room temps... I've been able to tweak my ventilation setup with more emphasis on making the surrounding room (not the tent) more comfortable and it definitely has made the girls happier. However it's a ton of work monitoring temps then making the necessary changes to ensure a consistent growing temp and humidity. Right now I'm looking into automating it as much as possible (thermos/fan speed controllers/timers).

I only recently saw your reply but I did go to 2-gallon geopots in order to cut down on floor space and allow for increased feedings-- now the container size thing makes sense to me. Strains are Trainwreck, Afgoo, La Confidential, Lemon OG Kush. Surprisingly the Lemon OG and Afgoo are responding the best early on. The LAC and LOGK were veged for a month from clone, while the others were transplanted into their containers from (8'') clone and sent to flower after two days. It's day four of flower and things are looking upful.

Thanks again.