Hello Good People of R.U.I


Well-Known Member

My name's Ocanabis but you can call me Ocan if you like.
I was invited here by SubCool
I have been testing his gear for a couple if not a few years now and will continue to do so for as long humanly possible.
I typically grow in soil and have been using Advance Nutrients Organic lines for the past couple of years at least.I can't say exactly that I get the biggest yeils but what I do get is some mighty fine tasty DANk medicine.
I am a self taught Cana Photographer and some of my work has been published in Skunk Magazine.I had 2 articles in Skunks Volume 5 Issue 7.
SubCool wrote an article for Skunk's Volume 5 Issue 5 where he used some of my photo's for a strain called Space dawg.

I love to grow and show off dank.I have been growing for around 30 years now and hope to keep on keeping on for as long as I possibly can.I figure it will end when I am 6' under.

Any way thats my story and I am sticken to it.So I'll see you folks around as I familerize my self around the boards.

AKA Space Bomb from TGA(SubCool)



Well-Known Member
welcome man. you made this account in 06 but never posted? im intrigued bro, good shit.
welcome ocan, you seem to know your shit. very nice pics. always good to have experienced growers for advice. hope all grows well. peace.