Hello I am new here


Hello I am new here

I am a housewife, I wonder something about Indoor Growing, and how to choose the best LED lights for the plant?

Thanks to Rollitup!


Active Member
Welcome bogiisha, nice to have you aboard! I guess I would need to know how many plants and how big of a grow space. there is a lot of information on this site that will be able to help you with all of your growing needs. I have seen grows with only 2 compact flourescent lights. ( probably not very good results)

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Howdy hey. You'll have a bit of trouble finding concrete info on the best LED grow lights simply because they are outlandishly expensive to the point that i don't actually know of a user off the top of my head who uses one. I know of folk with little UFO's or little panels bought off of ebay, but for a high quality one you can easily be looking at $1000+ a light


Yes Led's are great as they are low energy users, E.T.C. But I went with 400 watt, Mh for veg and HPS for flowering, all I have to switch is the bulbs, and I got it on ebay for less than 180 dollars that was hood and ballast and bulbs, and it does not hardly dent my energy bill.