Hello, I am Vogel.


Hello, I am Vogel. *Moderators, if this post is in the wrong location please feel free to move it to the appropriate location.About myself:My online name is Vogel (After Vogel of Organic Chemistry fame),I am a chemist with a background in Organic Chemistry and I have some knowledge of biochemistry as well. I am willing to discuss the science behind marihuana and its component compounds as well as any chemistry related information relating to marihuana. I have never used marihuana and I do not grow marihuana but I find the way the enzymes in marihuana perform to be of interest to medical and industrial research. Morally I have no problem with people who use marihuana non-medicinally, it is simply not my concern and I haven't seen marihuana users to be a real threat to the stability of free society based on government statistics.I am willing to talk about simple to moderately advanced chemistry related to marihuana, for example:A moderately advanced topic might be the creation of analogues of THC or CBD. I am willing to discuss these but I will not talk about a specific detailed method or methods to synthesize them or where you may buy the reagents. I will however talk about the chemistry and science, while trying to put it in terms non-chemists can understand easily.I won't give "recipes" (Chemists hate that word to describe "a synthesis"), but I will discuss aspects of synthesis with a focus on safety and proper behavior. I would rather a person "figure it out on their own" and succeed in breaking the some laws than failing and causing injury to themselves or others.If you have a chemistry question, please start a thread with your question, containing the chemistry tag like this "[Chemistry]" OR "[Science]" at the end of your subject line, and if I see it I will answer.Thank you for your time, I hope this community considers me an asset rather than a liability.


Well-Known Member
Your knowledge would hit your target demographics if you reposted your thread in the"Advanced Marijuana Cultivation" forum instead of the "General Marijuana Growing" forum...just my .02 cents


Your knowledge would hit your target demographics if you reposted your thread in the"Advanced Marijuana Cultivation" forum instead of the "General Marijuana Growing" forum...just my .02 cents
Thank You.