Hello I want to grow outside


Active Member
I have this little area next to my house that I was thinking would be cool to put a few plants in pots. It appears there are spiders in this area is that bad for mj?
I saw what looks like spider mites on the ground and I know thats bad I am definitely going to spray some neem oil(azamax) everywhere over there.
The area measures 5 ft by 4 ft by 6 ft(neighbors fence), how many plants can I fit in that area comfortably.
I was thinking indica for height reasons but I also would prefer a strain that doesn't smell super strong if anyone has suggestions.
Also I haven't touched the plant in the photo in the two years I have lived here and it still grows in the indirect sunlight will mj do the same?



Active Member
You can fit about three to four comfortably with indica... the plants will grow ok without alot of direct sunlight but the more direct the better.


Active Member
looks like a nice little spot! Just go through before you plant and clean up the insects, also direct sunlight may be a factor. My outdoor gets at the most 9 hours of direct sunlight and it turned out great last year. How much does that spot get? Morning sun is best! Good luck


Active Member
Alright I will spray before I put some clones there. I don't know how much hours of sun they get its kind of shady. I'll try to pay more attention before I put my girls there.
Thanks everyone


Active Member
The shade is ok just make sure they get at least six hour of direct... and mint works great for smell, same with dill and a few other herds you can plant near and around, yarrow flower is good too, it attrack beneficial bugs to eat most of the ones you dont want around and it looks good next to the girls!


Well-Known Member
I recommend not spraying the spiders, spiders are wonderful for pretty much all plants, except the one guarding my basil...lazy bastard.