

Active Member
Hello, I'm new to the forums (and forums in general). Everyone is a noob at some point in time. However, I have always loved sitting back and roasting a nice clean nug out of the ol' boobla (bong). I prefer smoking through glass with class.

We all have our own reasons for our own relationships with ganja. I personally have many spiritual reasons for my almost daily use of ganja, far too many to keep this simple ( maybe later).

I for me being here, I am strongly supportive of the people who learn, work and take risks to share this beautiful experience. I believe that cannabis needs to be made popular again and seen as it truely is; an amazingly useful plant to the health and well being of the human race.

I look forward to satisfying my curiosity and learning from experienced veterans of the cannabis culture. Also, I look forward to sharing my knowledge and ideas with others who share a passion for this wonderful gift.

P.S. Posting pictures of plants seems like an unsmart idea to me. I need someone who knows what they are talking about to comfort me and explain why this cannot get you in trouble( or exposed:o). Take it easy. ~I


Active Member
I've looked around the site and maybe I'm missing it but, need to know because I am a paranoid:???: people.

Does information and pictures of cannabis on your computer or being a member of a forum and sending/receiving of info regarding cultivation lead to probable cause?

I know that the world wide web is very hard and would be a huge waste of money and time to monitor what everyone was looking at however, I've heard that by saying "thizzle, X, weed, dope, cocaine...etc" over a cell phone the provider holds records of these and if it is ever brought up, it leads to probable cause and they can kick in your house with guns and search/arrest you without even sending a letter.

So it makes sense that your local service provider would be able to "take note" on the transfer of any illicit information being viewed by your computer. If so these forums such as grasscity, the gardens cure..etc. would be an easy way to find people with pics posted and frequent visits and do a round up.

This sounds kind of insaine i know. It makes sense that it would cost alot of money to arrest harmless stoners and I know my brain is not being controlled from outerspace but just to be certain...

Is it legal for law enforcement to form cases based on internet activity? Can a service tech find this info on my computer? Are the cookies that roll it up is storing on my computer harmless?

Sorry to fly off the handle like that, I'm more curious than scared it would be rediculous to get raided by a 8 man swat team each getting paid $$ per hour for them to find nothing but a $20 sack of ganja.
but uploading pics of homemade grow systems onto the very public web and allowing thousands of people to see where the pics were sent from and even what camera they were taken with seems like the complete oposite of not telling anyone.

I don't see "they were copied and pasted" standing up very well to a search warrant. and anyone who has ever messed around on IRC knows that it's pretty hard to lie about where you live on a computer.

Again sorry for a long post about nothing but if someone could explain a little bit on how this is safe or how it works I would really appriciate it.