
ok so this is GOING to be my first grow. i am going shopping for supplies to today. the only thing that i am sure about at this point is that i am not going to use any MG mediums ( though i will use poting soil with rock bottoms) and that i am force to flourescent lighting (due to very small budget and very small G/R that would get too hot under any other lighting) (G/R size is 4.5'x2'x10'h) I plan to line 4-6 individual plants up in this space. in my eagerness to to begin this new "hobby on a budget" i obtained three 4' flouro tubes b4 doing all my reading reading on tubes. i now know that cfls are the way to go. since the tubes are already hung i will leave them and try to find 4-6 reflector cones with Y adaptors to house 8-12 60 watt clf coils . the room is completely wall papered with dull side up foil ( did i say small? i meant tiny ass budget). i have distilled water on standby. i have a Vigoro 15-30-15 that i plan on using at 1/3 strength for veg. (not sure on flowering yet, i trying to crawl here). and i have created air flow by way of osc. fan on a shelf. i need to figure out something by way ventilation b4 i actually set up. i am using just some good ole bag seed for this run. well thats my story. any and all input is welcome. BTW my name is SUGARBEAR and im a toker.........................nice to meet u folks lol. 1luv