Hellp with seedling

Its been 4 days since symptoms started, ive tried giving it a better soil system with better drainage, tried feeding it half a feeding, even tried air circulation incase it was overfed, i dont onow whats wrong and the leaves keep getting more yellow, i dont know what else to do or whats wrong, other plant is doing better, still has yellowing but the leaves at least stopped curling down and i did the same steps to both


ganga gurl420

Well-Known Member
Looks over watered to me (curling of leaves). Seedlings don't require much water at all. After water let it dry out til the container feels light to pick up.
Could be heat stress too tho.
Def see a calcium deficiency starting as well. Make sure you check your ph and give her some cal/mag.


Well-Known Member
Also you mentioned half feeding.
Can you tell us when it was transplanted.

What soil you are using and how much and what did you feed and when.

That will help