

Active Member
i was woundering if any1 could let me know when u regrow a plant dose it matter at wot stage u start tuerning the lights hours back up i have a few i have harvested and left the bottom half of some of them to regrow but a few plants didnt queit finish some where only few weeks flowering dose this matter that i have put the light hours back up so early in to flowering??


Well-Known Member
for the harvested plants, they can be returned to 18/6 lighting cycle or throw them under a shop light for 24. if i understand correctly you have plants flowering still, and they should be kept that way untill done. if you try to send them back to veg this late into flowering, it could stress and make them hermies. good luck. if they dont have that long to go and, if it is possible. put them ouside in the morning after the sun has come up. they should be fine. plants will usually flower under 12 to 14 hours. so i've read in the grow bible.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Mr. Strap..

After you harvest the buds..then you turn the light cycle up from 12/12 to 20/4 ... do it the same day you harvest...



Active Member
yes but dose this matter at wot stage of flowering this is becues i had a few strains thrown in late all the rest of the crop is ready but a few plants witch i wanna keep for mothers so dose it matter that they was only in there ifrst stage of wite hairs?