HELP? 1 week old cannabis. Strange and unique

I am currently using 3* 100 Watt Cfl's with 2 small fans.

My plants are tripping me out. They where way worse like 3 days ago.. but they seem to be growing stronger and stronger. The leaves are getting healthier. Let me know what you guys think. Im not going to give up on them.



Active Member
That not unique, that's just fucked up.

I don't usually say this, but you should really just start again. Get your variables in check, cause, wtf.

If i had to guess I'd say it's PH, but, that guess is pretty much useless.


Well-Known Member
PH is wrong or u are giving them nuts in the watering and that is one hell of a no no. i mean u could try this but it is 50/50 if they will survive. I would take them out and put them in bigger container but wash them as in rinse till u see the roots and then re-pot them and NO NUTES and make sure PH is correct :) u should walk away with atleast one plant :)
No nutes where given : /. Regular potting soil. No nutes. Bag seed. 3-4 inches of space between lights and plants. Good airflow. 40% humidity 75-79 temps.
Im going to just keep growing them lol. Ill post updates weekly. Imagine if they burst into dank plants. Chances are slim to none but. The Nature works in mysterious ways.


Well-Known Member
Over watered and did you nute them?...that's possible why they look so messed up. Transplant them into Solo cup with drainage holes and new soil. Don't nute them for a couple weeks.
New soil has enough to sustain for a while.
Good luck:leaf:

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
No nutes where given : /. Regular potting soil. No nutes. Bag seed. 3-4 inches of space between lights and plants. Good airflow. 40% humidity 75-79 temps.
everything there sounds ok, so must be genetics or something, as there bagseed its a roll of the dice what you get, try to re-pot them, there small enough to do it easy, put them in a big ger pot and just water for a while, and only water when the soil is dry when you poke your finger in about an inch under the soil and its dry, water then and only a little at a time until you are familiar with watering, after about 2 weeks you should start nutes at a very weak dose and work up the strenght as you go, i hope they turn around for you, your right nature is a funny thing...

and these plants are hardy....


Active Member
the 7th pic, with the 3 smaller seedlings, look to be doing alright. and if it's the same conditions as the others, yeah, might be genetic. weird lookin plants though. haha


Active Member
the 7th pic, with the 3 smaller seedlings, look to be doing alright. and if it's the same conditions as the others, yeah, might be genetic. weird lookin plants though. haha
I was under the impression they were the same plants...?


Active Member
those are fucked dude..keep growing em' but def get some new ones goin so ur not doing this all for up on this site everything u need to know! good luck bro!


Well-Known Member
I'd get some different soil, that stuff looks to mulchy. What brand is it? You'll probably see good improvement off of a soil switch. If you don't have a big budget I'd recommend getting miracle grow moisture control and seedling start, then mix them 70 (moisture)/30 (seedling). I've gotten very good results off that mix. Or if you have some $$ to invest, Fox Farm is the way to go.