help! 35 days into flower buds look small! idk

joe godbud

hey there riu I have a bc godbud going and she's on 35th day after the switch...for a indica I thought maybe it should of been bigger buds..really a noon to indoor growing..strain said 56 -64 days I think.. only have 1 plant 5 or 6 gallon pot (((I forgot!!bongsmiliebongsmilie))) and a 400 watt hps.. using ocean forest and happy frog soil mix and using ff big bloom and ff tiger bloom.. am I just freaking out or are they small.. let me know



Well-Known Member
It does not look bad, 35 days means really it just started flowering about 12 days ago. They look fine. They will fatten up as they mature don't worry!

joe godbud

ahh thanx man.. and don't the leaves kinda look sativa-ish?? Idk I grew bag seed b4 and this is my first non auto grow..I grew 3 autos b4 and was ok just not that frosted and was kinda dark so I tried this strain


Well-Known Member
I presume your 35 days in from the switch to 12/12,I dont start counting until atleast 2 weeks in,same veg nutes keep giving them veg nutes for a week or 2 into the switch

joe godbud

good yea I kinda was freaking..they are now just start in to plump up and spread..but I since Its going longer then strain info said how do I know when to start flushing? I read nutes label wrong and been 3 x recommend feeding lol BUT not no burn at all..GUESS she just eats alot


Well-Known Member
You can start to flush at day 60 (60 days since you flipped to 12/12). Get a jeweler loupe so you can inspect the trichome heads to see when they turn milky. When the trichome heads turn milky you can chop her down. Dont worry about when you flush, not a big deal at all. It is way more important to get the loupe and study the trichomes.