Help! 6 week old started doing this yesterday

they were happy healthy girls until yesterday . now i am afraid to flower . anyone a way to correct this. i use floranova grow 1tbsp per gallon like bottle says and it has worked fine the whole time. my water is about 800ppm well water and when i add the nutes it jumps to about 1400 ppm although it hasn't been a problem so far it seems high. i was going to try to flush with plan water for a few days to see if it helps unless someone has a better suggestion. its been years since last grow so i am a little rusty plz help :)



Well-Known Member
Hey dude...I am no expert, but looks like you pushed the nutes a bit and also locked out Mg??? Water only and no are going to lose all those damaged leaves. I'm sure someone else will have better answers!! Welcome to RIU


edit:we talked on phone about the ppm's (high...1400ish) and the well water is a pH of 8...test the pH of the nutes also to see if they are bringing down the mix as well as the ppm of the plain water just so you know what you are starting with.


Well-Known Member
is that algae on your cubes?-

these may be slightly over watered, algae is never good.


Well-Known Member

Did you flush that flora nova out? RW still looks dark.

What is the ppm of your well water alone?

PPM on my well water is about 800 so i am using r/o now and yes i flushed until water came out clear. Yes that is algae i was top watering with nothing to cover the cubes from light i know it was fail :(


Active Member
man your water is at 800 ppm,do you drink that water.Im no expert but isnt that way high for tap water?you can make covers for those plants out of plastic to help with the algae. good luck


Well-Known Member
2 plants did well after this (new pics) and are doing well after about a week in flowering but i was wondering if these other 2 (new pics) could be put into the flower room soon ?
I assume the 2nd 2 pics, since they are in the tent, are already on 12/12?

As for those others...sure you CAN flower them, and maybe that is best since I see you have little ones!

But I would consider topping all the tall growth and giving them 2 weeks of veg...they will bush a bit, and then stretch a bit in the first 3 weeks of flower (depending on strain I suppose).

Nice to see my daughter's art work on the walls...she still sucks at drawing! I need to start up again...Got new beans 3 months ago (Subcool's Jack-the-Ripper and Jilly Bean)...I know as soon as I do it will be 100 degrees here, and I fear I will have to go the systemic pesticide route for the spider mites that will undoubtedly return for a feast:cuss::fire:

BTW the ones in the tent look nice, and what are the babies?



Well-Known Member
You are fine, they just were not itching to flower, and the Chem dog family does not make monster colas, just potent is ALWAYS a trade off. With X amount of energy, the plant can produce big flowers or potent flowers or something in between...Genetics is powerful new working line GSD puppy has sure convinced me...he is hard wired to bite.

Oh just be prepared to go 70-75days (they probably need minimum of 63 if everything was perfect) and if so, don't flush at 7 weeks!

I popped 3 Jilly bean, 3 Jack the Ripper, 1 feminized Bubba Kush and 1 feminized The Church...sitting outside for some free sun till they get too obvious...probably gonna get some bugs, but they find their way in anyhow, might as well have a strong start.

Your plants have made a nice recovery...Good Job!!!! Your next grow will be sweet!


edit: hey get some pics just before lights on so we can really see them next time!