Help a newb please


New Member
Hi, I am a teenager who stills lives with his parents and am tired of having to buy weed. I have a big backyard with a lot of other plants. Do you think I can succesfuly grow some without being caught? I was also wondering where I can get the seeds to grow the plants? What strain should I start off with?

Thanks you


Well-Known Member
i second that NOtion

if your parents arent cool with it id say go bush...
anyhoo define teenager

kids shouldnt smoke weed... by the sounds of it the odds are against ya...
tough luck son... ALWAYS respect the olds wishes, its them youll get in trouble if the dont notice it but someone else does...


Well-Known Member
fuck that im not helping a 14 year old grow pot......

what kinda ppl do you think we are here little dude....


Active Member
Nope, that government has sensors placed in the ground that can immediately detect when a marijuana seed is planted. They can pinpoint the exact location though triangulation down to about 10 feet, from there it's a foot search which I'm sure it wouldn't be very hard to spot a 10' plant.


Well-Known Member
what do you think your parent will think your doing in your backyard all the time for no aparent reason? they're going to look... that's like hiding you plants from your room mate. impossible


Well-Known Member
My parents are clueless, they dont know anyhting.
Unfortunately, you are equally clueless, as proved by the fact that you admitted being 14 on an 18+ site.

Have a bit of respect for your parents. They are keeping you alive, fed, clothed, and putting a roof over your head. It's wrong of you to put them at risk of prosecution. When you have grown up a bit, you might see that.


New Member
I thought about what you said, nocturn 3 and maybe I should stop smoking since I am only 14. I dont know what do u thing?


Well-Known Member
I thought about what you said, nocturn 3 and maybe I should stop smoking since I am only 14. I dont know what do u thing?
I've smoked since I was your age, and honestly, I wish I hadn't. It can get to the point where you stop just liking it, and start needing it just to function normally.

There's no harm in having some fun and experimenting, but you need to do stuff in moderation.


New Member
I do it somewhat moderately. I just love smoking the stuff. I dont think I'm addicted to it. My friends do it and a couple of them even grow it.


Well-Known Member
I've smoked since I was your age, and honestly, I wish I hadn't. It can get to the point where you stop just liking it, and start needing it just to function normally.

There's no harm in having some fun and experimenting, but you need to do stuff in moderation.
same thats y i disagree with it too..
ppl who lie in glass houses shouldnt throw stones, but in this case i think it qualifies enough for us to say we disagre....

you shouldnt smoke at a young age your body and mind is still developing ehy...
and ya especiall shouldnt grow when your not supposed too, ya gotta respect other ppls wishes...

anyhoo take it easy ppl ive had enough of the little kids section,
im going to speak with the grown ups



Well-Known Member
Weed is a good thing, and should be legalized to some degree, but it does have it's downsides. In the same way that too much cake will turn you fat and unhealthy, too much weed can do bad things to you.

The problem with weed is that it makes you feel good whilst doing nothing. If you feel good doing nothing for long enough, it takes a lot of effort and willpower to actually do something, like going to school every day. When you get to this point, you either go to school and hate it, or don't go at all, and get stoned instead. Either way, you don't learn very much, so you leave with fuck all to show for it, and limit your options in life.

There are other downsides to weed, but most of them are a result of prohibition, rather than the weed itself.


New Member
My semester in school just ended and I got all A'S. I am in 8th grade but am in 10th grade math and 9th grade science as well as 9th grade writing and history so my grades and knowledge is fine. I see what you mean but I dont do weed like a junkie. I am still in control of my habits.


Well-Known Member
My semester in school just ended and I got all A'S. I am in 8th grade but am in 10th grade math and 9th grade science as well as 9th grade writing and history so my grades and knowledge is fine. I see what you mean but I dont do weed like a junkie. I am still in control of my habits.
Good for you. However, don't believe you are indestructible, just because you are in control now. I had similar grades to you at your age, yet I left high school with no qualifications at all. The reason for this isn't because I wasn't capable of getting A's (I was), but because I had loads of time off im the last year, and my teachers refused to enter me for exams because of this. They did this out of spite, in my eyes, but nevertheless, I left with fuck all, other than the option of joining the military.

I wasn't a junkie, by any standards, just a somewhat clever kid, who turned into a lazy fucker as a result of too much weed. I can't tell you what to do, just what too much weed did to me, at the time.


Well-Known Member
the only part of that you thought about was the fact u were dumb enough to admit the fact that your 14... come on we were your age once..... lmfao.....

also i highly doubt they wouldnt be able to identify it.... fair go they may think its another plant from a distance.... but very very fe ppl dont know what a marijuana plant looks like... nocturn3's right give the folks a bit more credit ehy..

i smoke weed everyday for pain and rec and i aint no junkie either....

ehy noct3 i relate lol... i chose to leave tho after completing year 11 :)


Active Member
Not to mention if you get busted growing on parents property, then they'll repo everything. I know a lot of really smart kids who hardly smoked in HS and dropped out of college because all they did was sit around & smoke. I'm not telling you what to do, but look at what everyone else has been saying