Help A Newbie :)


Active Member
Hey so i live in california. I live in a small town where i dont get alot of visitors or random kids coming to my house. I recently tried weed and love it because it gets rid of my OCD. Its so expensive and i have great soil and weather for growing all kinds of plants. I was looking into growing a plant or two in my closet, but that seems verrry hard. Is it easier to just grow out doors?

would this eliminate the timers, the flans, the filters?

would growing outdoors be easier? please help me out here.

Thanks -Storm-


Well-Known Member
outside is 100x's easier imo, so much easier and youll get some pretty nice yields for just using the sun and water good soil and fertilizers....which are free from nature pretty much and it helps u keep from overthinking little things on the plant and messing with it and messing it up badly like i did. then again different people prefer different methods why not try both and see which one you like?


Well-Known Member
it is late in the grow season here in cali - i am in nevada city.. you really need to start them in early May to have good results...


Well-Known Member
usually blasting them with as many 40w 3000k cfl bulbs inside under, i had 900w of cfls.....real cfl wattage btw. for the next month bring it inside at night under your indoor lights for it and then at dawn put back outside...u can always just bring it back in on cold nights.