Help/Advice Wanted On Equip/Info on Grow Cabinet


Active Member
Ok this is what i want to build and i would like everyones help in building the perfect little one but with trying to keep the expenditure to a minimum.

I want to build a Grow Cabinet just the right size for one plant to grow and flower just for personal use.

Im curious of peoples opinions on the following

Cabinet size of which i should build it,
What lights and how many,
Ventilation tips,
Heat Control tips

and so forth so forth

Ive found several links to carbon scrubbers which canbe build for cheap money so them im not worried about

Plus i would also like to know what amount of merchandise i woudl expect to get from a cabinet that size and what method of growing it should i use some people said sog/scrog or sumthin what you reckon?



Well-Known Member
Mate, I reckon you should do a bit of research yourself! Youre post basically reads "I wanna grow some killer weed, but i cant be bothered to educate myself...please tell me everything about growing. cheers!" Its like going to a fitness forum and saying "Im 300kg and i wanna look like Brad Pitt in Fight Club. What should i do?"

There are hundreds of posts here about everything you need to know: growspaces (closets,tents,rooms etc), lights (hps,mh,cfl,cool spectrum,warm spectrum etc), gowing methods (bubbleponics,sea of green,stealth grows etc), strains (indica,sativa etc) and so on...

If you dont know any of those terms, look 'em up!

I know it daunting, it not rocket science but there is a lot to learn which means putting in a lot of time doing your homework. Some of the guys here are experts who will help you but not when it appears youve done fu(k all and expect answers on a plate!!! Eg, ask "I wanna grow weed, what seeds should i use" wil get NO answers cos its too vague and suggests you cant be botherd doing your own hw...ask "I wanna grow Northern Lights, Nirvana sells them but ive read mixed reviews, could somebody suggest a more reliable supplier?" and you will get some answers for sure.

Read the stickes in the Newbie forum!

Some more tips:

google finds threads here very well. just google your whole question eg "can i use hps for veg growth?" and youll def find a rollitup thread in the 1st 10 results.

when using the search facility here, go to advanced search and select "search thread title", this narrows down the results.

This thread really helped me, its the guys 2nd grow but he explains what he does, when and why very well...and he grows a killer bush!

What im doing is giving myself one topic a day to research and just focus on that. Makes notes of key references you need, bookmark helpful threads...

Good luck & get reading!