HELP! Am I on the right lines here?


hey guys so over night 3 of 4 babies are slanting a bit and aren't standing up as well on their own. also the tiny old leaves have turned yellowy and one leaf on one plant is starting to turn lime green. here's a pic:2014-01-08 09.59.02.jpg

Now the soil has compressed a lot and they are only 15 days old so I'm not putting my grow nutes anywhere near them yet, especially as they are in plant magic soil which should have all the nutrients they need for another couple of weeks. I also don't feel comfortable transplanting them up yet, especially if they are stressy.

So my idea is this: top up the pots with more soil! Brilliant right? give them more nutes in a safe way and offer them more support by burying some of the stem.

Will that be ok you guys think? I've propped up the weakest one for now by pressing up soil around it :)


Active Member
hey guys so over night 3 of 4 babies are slanting a bit and aren't standing up as well on their own. also the tiny old leaves have turned yellowy and one leaf on one plant is starting to turn lime green. here's a pic:View attachment 2955637

Now the soil has compressed a lot and they are only 15 days old so I'm not putting my grow nutes anywhere near them yet, especially as they are in plant magic soil which should have all the nutrients they need for another couple of weeks. I also don't feel comfortable transplanting them up yet, especially if they are stressy.

So my idea is this: top up the pots with more soil! Brilliant right? give them more nutes in a safe way and offer them more support by burying some of the stem.

Will that be ok you guys think? I've propped up the weakest one for now by pressing up soil around it :)
Does that soil have over-time mix or is it organic? i would advise not putting any soil that has over time fert balls in your garden. also those are your cotyledons and they are supposed to yellow off.


2014-01-08 10.25.27.jpg2014-01-08 10.25.43.jpgit's organic but says it's got nutrient stuff :) definitely not time-release.
Thank you for your quick reply dude!


oh and I know that the cotyledons aren't doing anything any more and can come off, but I'm worried about the real leaf that is going lime :/


2014-01-08 10.55.07.jpg2014-01-08 10.56.33.jpghere's some more pics to give you a better idea :) you can see the discolouration in pic2 and in pic one the far left plant you can see the slant. It COULD be from the fan being on them, but I turn them daily to stop the leaning :/ moved the fan now to focus on the light and see how that does


ok so an update a day later after no help. I watered them with water that I made 6.5ph and added 4 drops of grow nutes. I then added extra soil on top.
The overall health looks better, they aren't drooping as much anymore but now plant number 2 is turning lime green on the bottom leaves also! do I water with nutes again! what do I do people!!!! I pulled off the starter leaves but there was this stringy clear stuff that came off the stem with it! is that bad?


Well-Known Member
take a deep breath your fine....they are still young and better to slowly work the nutrients up then hit them hard and burn them....says the guy who always hits his ladies too hard.