Hello growers. I have a 10x8 greenhouse, I recently posted about have lots of condensation in my greenhouse. A few ppl told me to remove the grass (I left all the grass, first time growing) and to put mulch down. I do not have the funds for mulch this year, will I still be alright? Or do I need mulch. I started removing the grass today in the greenhouse and I noticed the whole thing is a ant farm! I seen lots of ants before and I tried pouring hot water on them.. nothing, maybe because I didn't pour it all over, just one spot. My plants are to big to take out of the greenhouse. So being I have a dirt floor how can I safely get rid of these ants? They are not on my leaves or plant yet but they are on the roots and all arouns the soil. Thank you. I'm worried that when my plants really start to bloom the ants will live in/ on my plants. Currently fighting spider mites also.