Help Appreciated! Nutrient Problem?


Active Member
Hi All. This is my 1st post on the forum, but I am definitely not new. lol.

I have learned much of my growing from this forum and the SeeMoreBuds books/dvds.

Anyway.... down to the important stuff.

I started 6 seeds (Bagseed) in an extra room in my house about 2 and a half weeks ago.

I am using 10 42watt CFLs. 6 White and 4 Warm ( all correct color spectrums). All of them are the correct proximity from the plants (about 2-3 inches.

I am using Miracle Grow Organic soil and have been feeding very light solution of Miracle Grow Azalia blend because of its high Nitrogen count for vegetative growth.

And yes, I know all of the disagreements with Miracle Grow, however I don't have many of the locations to buy better Soils (Like foxfarm?) and I have heard success coming from Miracle grow too.

I planted in Pots. Mixing with Vermiculite and Perlite.

They were looking good and loving their environment for about a week and a half. This pic is day 8 or so after germination:

So far so good.

I water about once every 4 days or so and let the soil dry so the roots can stretch. Every 2 waterings or so, I will fertilize VERY diluted with the miracle grow.

About on the 2nd week I started noticing a problem. It looked like they just needed watering to me at first. But some leaves got droopy... some started to get yellowish, and then from the middle out, it started to like... burn? Looks like its drying out. About the color if you burned it with a magnifying glass maybe? That burnt color. Necrosis Perhaps?

Now, 2 of the plants are looking fine and growing fine.... but they still have some leaves that are drying out and dying and getting light green/yellow.


Okay. So I think I have narrowed it down to a Magnesium Deficiency.

But It could also be nitrogen maybe? I'm leaning away from that since the MG I use is high in Nitrogen (20-10-10 I think?) OR what if it's too much N? Oh fuck. :neutral: lol.

So I have already got some Epsom salt if it's MG.
It's just that I want to make SURE. From all of you fine people at this forum.

Please look at my pictures and Help me. Thank you all. And thank you for a wonderful forum.


All 6:

One that is growing but looks bad:

One growing Vigorously but looks bad: