HELP - ARRRRGGHHHH - Pythium Again !!!!!!, Tried everything !!!!


Active Member
Hi All

Been reading on here from this section that Chlorine can kill/prevent this. I live in UK and we have no Clorex but do have following - - This is just 0.5% Chlorine though and expensive !!!

Can anyone help on dosage/prevention schedule ??

I can also get 15% Chlorine liquid very cheaply and we also have this strong thiick bleach -



Active Member
I would never use bleach. I'd use SM-90 along with B-1 then hit it with a nice B-1/"Roots Excelorator"(from house and garden) combination. Bleach? No way for me! I've fixed many root rot issues, but never used bleach. Good luck.


Active Member
there are a couple of things you can use basically theres a fungus that prevents Pythium and Fusarium its called GLIOCLADIUM its a soil dwelling fungi that attacks and destroys pathogenic fungi such as those. its applied through a soil drench usually before symptoms are noticed though but should probably still work. GLIOCLADIUM fungicides are sold as GlioMix, SoilGard, Primastop, and Prestop hope that helps good luck