HELP!! Auto Pounder getting to tall for my tent! What are my options??

Matt P.

Growing in soil. About 12" from my hps. Light is up all the way. What can I do? On week 6 or so. This auto is huge! Thanks

Matt P.

6 weeks total. Good ventilation but afraid it will get taller on me. Don't want her to burn. Looking forward to it


Well-Known Member
pics of the grow ? and you can take a piece of wire like the 110v electrical for houses has the 3 wires and a plastic jacket tie it to the stalk and slowly over a couple days - week bend it a little everyday just go slow with it thats how they sculpt the bonsai's or just regular lst might help


You could carefully and loosely tie string around the tallest part of the plant, then tie the other side of the string to something lower in the tent to "anchor" the plant away from the light. If it feels like it might snap I wouldn't risk it though. I was thinking maybe you could lean the pot so the plant is slanted and wedge it between objects- but then again watering it would be a pain.
It might just clear it though, there might be enough room considering it's an auto.


Well-Known Member
Just bend it. Hollow or solid stem? Solid don't like the bend as much. Tie a string and pull a tad tighter each day until your comfortable with distance.

PleSe post a photo really like to see what is offered by any auto.

Good luck. Peace

Matt P.

Might have to tie it over. Hockeyrichard I'm 100% sure its a auto. Got it from a good seed bank that's reputable. Planted with my other autos. Been under hps its whole life and flipped when the others did. Its just super tall for a auto. I'll post picks tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
there is one thing i see no one asked or stated

what lights are u using .....change it over to flowering no full i understand this would stop most growth exp a few strains will still strech....the rule of thumb is let it go half way up in veg (maxium grow height u got) then turn to flowering completely at most it should strech double it oringal height