Help!? Babies aren't growing


Active Member
ok so i've germinated 9 seeds so far, and only 4 have popped. Those 4 have been put into pots and i have them on 24/0 light right now. The other 5 seeds are snow white seeds from nirvana and they WONT pop! the other seeds I've planted have been in the soil for about 4-5 days now, and I have no signs of them growing. I'm starting to worry my babies wont be coming this year :(
If anyone has any Ideas please help! Also I'm running 6 CFL 24 watt lights.


Well-Known Member
Just had a problem with my seedlings too but you should have germanated them on a papper towel with a tea saucer on the bottom with the towel on and one on top the put in a bag tuck the bag under saucer.this metod works 99% of the time if the seed supplyer is good.who was the seed supplyer stick to greenhouse or attitude never had bad seeds yet.just got my blueberry seeds through a touch and go momment but they are there now thank [email protected] you get into cloneing you forget about seeds but it's all comeing back just got another 3 trainwrek come through today.i would tap the soil out be careful they may have just een put too deep also when seeds are planted instead of germanating them in the clam method like exsplained they have a tendency to gow back on them the top of the seed looks like a letter s check too see what is going on.


Well-Known Member
ive had seeds take over a week to germinate even before is good to germinate before you put in soil so you know you have stuff happenig,but give it a little longer you could put them over some heat with light also heating the top and make sure it remains moist.