Help before it gets worse!!!!!!


Active Member
Here are some pics of my plants. Any help is appreciated. The smallest one in the red pot has been the most difficuli. It's the Vanilla Kush. It was just fine until I looked at it today. The one that's burned is the afghan Kush. It started burning last wed. But stopped on Friday and hasn't gptten any wose. So what u see basically happened in 2 days. But its bouncing back. The one with minimal defects is the purple kush its the biggest and the most beautiful.

Here's some info for u guys. Today is 2 weeks from seed. I'm using FFOF with Perlite and Dolemite Lime. My pH was high on Sat so i used some Apple cider vinegar to bring it down. It worked ok but the pH is still above 7. I'm using no nute at all. And I'm watering with distilled water about every 4 days or so. I've been trying to let my pots dry all the way and get really light before i water. Take a look at the pics. Please comment and give advice. Any advice is appreciated. I'm a noob so i need it all.

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Ursus marijanus
I think the OF is a bit hot for those young plants, and the vinegar is doing bad things ... making the heat worse. My best advice is replant AT ONCE in something milder. In a month, they'll be ready for the OF, and please stop with the vinegar. cn


Well-Known Member
I don't think it's gonna get worse it's just some burns and over watering,it happened) to the best of us even me.Soon those burnt leaves will be a thing of the past as the plant grows,and as it grows it will drink more water so just let em drink until it's gone.


Active Member
I'm trying my best to not over water. U guys think I should maybe go to watering every 7 days? I'm already doing every 4-5. Idk how I could do it less frequently.


Active Member
I think the OF is a bit hot for those young plants, and the vinegar is doing bad things ... making the heat worse. My best advice is replant AT ONCE in something milder. In a month, they'll be ready for the OF, and please stop with the vinegar. cn

I have always used vinegar in soil and DWC grows and had no problems from it. What makes you so against it?


Active Member
water when the pot is light as a feather or check to see if theres still water in the bottom with a small stick like a kishkabon stick or how ever you spell it lol


Active Member
I thought that was what I was doing. I pick them up every other day to try to gauge how much wateris left. Has anyone had any experiences with moisture readers? I'm thinking about buying one to eliminate the guess work. Someone told me the Barney's farm strains were hella sensitive so I don't wanna do anything to mess it up.

As far as the vinegar thing does, plenty of people on this site have told me to use organic vinegar to help balance pH. It didn't hurt the two other strains. Only the vanilla was affected.


Ursus marijanus
I have always used vinegar in soil and DWC grows and had no problems from it. What makes you so against it?
In this instance, I believe it's mobilizing soil nutes beyond what neutral water would do, compounding the burn. For established plants, it's less of an issue. But I don't think the OP needs to worry about pH, only overall nutrient levels. Jmo. cn


Active Member
I don't know much about mobilizing nutes. But I do know I have to worry about pH. My first/last grow was claimed by lockout bc of alkaline soil. The plant that's burned was that way before I used the vinegar. The first/smallest plant is the one that changed after using the vinegar water. But it's not really burned. It has dry, brittle, greyish looking tips on the leaves. U still think its the vinegar? I didn't use much. Only about 2 tablespoons per gallon of water.


Well-Known Member
To judge water some fill an extra pot with dry soil and compare it to the one the plants in by lifting.


New Member
That last pic looks good.

Now onto the others.

If your pH is well over 7 this is your main issue that needs to be corrected. When I had high runoff pH readings I bought pH down(earth juice or any brand) and if say my runoff was 7.5, I'd pH my water/fed all the way down to 5.5-6 then fed. Runoff readings can change right away or it can happen gradually. A fed with pHed water of 5.5 on soil that is reading 7.5 from the runoff should bring it down below 7 in a watering or two. But soil pH can rise and fall after a watering/fed so this is why you must check runoff every time. If that first pHed fed bring it down to say 6.5 which is perfection in FFOF mix, next time pH water/fed at 6.5. By week 1 of flower I can maintain a 6.5 soil pH until harvest with ease. Veg can go either way. My current grow which I am updating with pics tonight had two girls at 5.8 and the other two at 6.4 in week 5-6 even though everything from soil mix to water has been identical. I got one of the two girls that were 5.8 up to 6.4 now by just feeding at higher pH levels, the other is still hovering at 6pH. It's a game.

Next time when you begin germinated seeds begin them in 100% light warrior or a similar mix. Then after 5-10 days throw them into a larger pot(4 times size of first pot)with a 50/50 mix of FFOF and Light Warrior or another type. Then at about 20 days old depending on size of pots you used transplant into final pot(4-6 gallon) and then it's 100% safe to use straight FFOF with some added perlite and the dolomite lime. Some strains will always burn in straight FFOF when introduced to it too early. Like I said before, one of the two only strains to ever burn on me in FFOF was a Barneys Vanilla Kush.

Quit using apple cider in soil and get EJ pH down, and up for future runs where you may need it. Down is much stronger then up.

Being distilled water has no minerals you need to be adding calmagplus to it every watering. Switch to tap water that's been let out to evaporate for 24-48 hours if possible. It's obviously not helping with the pH issue.

Keep her going. If this is your first grow you are doing better then many others have.


Well-Known Member
Here are some pics of my plants. Any help is appreciated. The smallest one in the red pot has been the most difficuli. It's the Vanilla Kush. It was just fine until I looked at it today. The one that's burned is the afghan Kush. It started burning last wed. But stopped on Friday and hasn't gptten any wose. So what u see basically happened in 2 days. But its bouncing back. The one with minimal defects is the purple kush its the biggest and the most beautiful.

Here's some info for u guys. Today is 2 weeks from seed. I'm using FFOF with Perlite and Dolemite Lime. My pH was high on Sat so i used some Apple cider vinegar to bring it down. It worked ok but the pH is still above 7. I'm using no nute at all. And I'm watering with distilled water about every 4 days or so. I've been trying to let my pots dry all the way and get really light before i water. Take a look at the pics. Please comment and give advice. Any advice is appreciated. I'm a noob so i need it all.

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That young, I don't think you should be feeding at all, and the Apple Cider vinegar, I've never heard of using that, usually regular vinegar.
I have been using regular vinegar in my water. I read 1 capful per liter of watr to drop PH 1 point, and that's what I have been doing-2 capfuls per 2 liter bottle brings my PH down from 7.8 down to 6.6.
It may have something to do with the apple cider part, (I know I don't like that vinegar LOL), but the dolomite doesn't break down right away, and doing both, aren't you fighting yourself? Doesn't dolomite increase PH, and you're adding vinegar trying to lower the PH in your water you're applying?


Active Member
Ok idk what to do... My purple kush is starting to show white hairs but I haven't changed the photoperiod and I want the plants to finish around the same time. Should I just go ahead and change it to 12/12. I'm only at the end of week 3 of veg. I really wanted them to veg for 4 weeks. Advice please folks.


New Member
Just keep them under veg light cycle until you wish to switch to 12/12. Different strains flower at different times, and what you are probably seeing is pre-flowering.


Active Member
Hey guys I've decided I'm going to feed ff big bloom and tiger bloom for flowering. And I'm going to top dress with bat shit. My question is can I mix the two ff concentrates or do I need to alternate them. Also would the bat shit be over doing it? I plan on starting everything out in light feeding.


New Member
Hey guys I've decided I'm going to feed ff big bloom and tiger bloom for flowering. And I'm going to top dress with bat shit. My question is can I mix the two ff concentrates or do I need to alternate them. Also would the bat shit be over doing it? I plan on starting everything out in light feeding.
It's recommended you mix them, just not in concentrated form. Meaning mix in big bloom with water then tiger bloom. Be very careful with tiger, strong stuff. Use weak mix at first, big bloom you can start of at medium strength, use both every other watering or every third watering, never every watering.
I don't top my soil with anything so I can't give advice. Guano is good, I use a weak liquid mix guano in mid-late flower along with my fox farm nutes but I'm sure amending it in the soil is a better way. Go light and steady.