HELP!!! Budding Plants DYING!

I think my plants are fucked. I moved them in from outside and now theyve gone to hell almost literally. Ive bought Fox Farm: Big Bloom and Grow Big hoping that the nutes will save them. Before i only had tomato plant food that was high in nitrogen and phosphorus.

The pictures of the first plant has leaves that are turning yellow, its happening almost ALL OVER the plant :cry: except the tips, top, new growth, etc.

The 3rd and 4th pictures are pics of the second plant and its dropping leaves like theres no tomorrow, its dropped about 40-50 in the past 2 days!! NO JOKE.

If i can do ANYTHING to save these plants im all ears.



You shouldn't have brought them inside, that is a very big change in climate and the plants can't handle that sudden change especially because they are not young plants, im not sure if u put them back outside that they will heal, unless u got a reason why you can't.
they seemed to be doin great outside, that part of my backyard is just shitty from ppl walking all over it though. but they get plenty. I have a foot tall plant that is doin absolutely great out there.. butt idk =/