Help choosing LED for 2 small cabs. . .


Well-Known Member
I have two cabs sized:
* (L)65cm x (W)55cm x (H)50cm.

One veg, one flower.

I have seen this guy, ( who uses solstrips and diy led strip kind of builds with drivers his whole setup is 100 watts and is yielding over 150 grams.

I really don't want to stuff around building a DIY LED and would much rather copy someone or buy a LED DIY kit or already assembled light.

As you can see in the link his Leds get really close to his plants and I will need leds that can be within a inch or 2 from the tops of the plants as this is a micro stealth cab and room is limited.

I need some help :,) please this is hard

I have 39watt leds at 6500k that I can place 2-4 inches above plants but they are 3feet long and I need shorter lights so I can split the freezer into.the 2 cabs at the sizes I listed above15957493390321295878587247346913.jpg

Problem with pre built lights is they are made for a balance of efficiency and price, meaning they are driven hard , though not that hard, still you need typically 18" of distance to plants.

What you will need to do is use lots of strips driven really soft, if your planning on dividing your freezer length wise then your stuck with 1ft strips.

You might want to look at bridgelux eb gen 3, google it, check the data sheet. Look for the part numbers for 1ft and google them to get suppliers and prices.
Run those soft enough and they can be almost touching, wouldn't recommend you let plants touch them though.

@diggs99 and @cobshopgrow both run strip builds and can get very close to canopy, cobshopgrow has a really overbuilt light I believe .

Perhaps those guys can offer a bit more advice as to other options that might suit your situation or at least share how close they can grow and their thought on your setup.
Problem with pre built lights is they are made for a balance of efficiency and price, meaning they are driven hard , though not that hard, still you need typically 18" of distance to plants.

What you will need to do is use lots of strips driven really soft, if your planning on dividing your freezer length wise then your stuck with 1ft strips.

You might want to look at bridgelux eb gen 3, google it,

Perhaps those guys can offer a bit more advice as to other options that might suit your situation or at least share how close they can grow and their thought on your setup.
Cheers bro I was looking at these ones but am still wrapping my head around it. Just to learn the vocabulary and watch more videos as it's all new to me the diy led stuff.

But thanks for your info was very informative.

I guess it will be worth it for me to go the extra mile and design something that will suit me

I could probably fit a 2 foot strip in there it says 55 but I would be able to just squeeze a 60cm in there
Cheers bro I was looking at these ones but am still wrapping my head around it. Just to learn the vocabulary and watch more videos as it's all new to me the diy led stuff.

But thanks for your info was very informative.

I guess it will be worth it for me to go the extra mile and design something that will suit me

I could probably fit a 2 foot strip in there it says 55 but I would be able to just squeeze a 60cm in there

I may of already mentioned it in your other thread but if not google led gardener and he has all the info you need.
He may have some vids on youtube .

If not look for growmau5 on youtube and look at his early vids , he does a 7 part tutorial on diy leds, a lot of which you wont need to know these days but specifically he has a good vid on matching LEDs to drivers.

Its all very simple stuff, but it seems overwhelming when you don't know it.

If you can use two foot strips it would give you more options, I have a feeling, might be wrong, that most of strips like solstrips are 2ft, though technically 560mm to be more exact.

I just did a google and I believe the solstrip mr sparkle is using is not the same sol-strip cutter make but is actually an old member from here called Baudelaire whom I remember at the time he decided to make them even though there was already a strip of the same name.

Anyway 560mm gives you a lot of options at various prices to play with.
2 foot sounds good then.
you really can simply tape the ceiling with led strips of your choice.
cant imgine how to get a lower profile.

please do the math before you buy anything.
but the regular EB3 from future electronics are maybe something for you.
they offer 2 footers in pretty much any color temp you can wish for whites.
min order qty is 20, so thats a given then, haha.
its heavily underdriven then 7.5W per 2 foot strip max, no extra cooling needed.
theyre 2.4cm so, 20 are 48cm without any gap.

less strips will do also, but overall its 200 bucks and you have plenty of light well spread with optimal height saving.

to me it sounds fine using 120W on that area, choose a driver you can dim well.
from the hip some meanwell xlg 150 is more then you will prob need.

other option is tape 4 288 boards or such to the roof and drive them below 35W each.
I may of already mentioned it in your other thread but if not google led gardener and he has all the info you need.
He may have some vids on youtube .

If not look for growmau5 on youtube and look at his early vids , he does a 7 part tutorial on diy leds, a lot of which you wont need to know these days but specifically he has a good vid on matching LEDs to drivers.

Its all very simple stuff, but it seems overwhelming when you don't know it.

If you can use two foot strips it would give you more options, I have a feeling, might be wrong, that most of strips like solstrips are 2ft, though technically 560mm to be more exact.

I just did a google and I believe the solstrip mr sparkle is using is not the same sol-strip cutter make but is actually an old member from here called Baudelaire whom I remember at the time he decided to make them even though there was already a strip of the same name.

Anyway 560mm gives you a lot of options at various prices to play with.
560mm would be perfect I'll have a look tonight after work thanks mate appreciate the advice
2 foot sounds good then.
you really can simply tape the ceiling with led strips of your choice.
cant imgine how to get a lower profile.

please do the math before you buy anything.
but the regular EB3 from future electronics are maybe something for you.
they offer 2 footers in pretty much any color temp you can wish for whites.
min order qty is 20, so thats a given then, haha.
its heavily underdriven then 7.5W per 2 foot strip max, no extra cooling needed.
theyre 2.4cm so, 20 are 48cm without any gap.

less strips will do also, but overall its 200 bucks and you have plenty of light well spread with optimal height saving.

to me it sounds fine using 120W on that area, choose a driver you can dim well.
from the hip some meanwell xlg 150 is more then you will prob need.

other option is tape 4 288 boards or such to the roof and drive them below 35W each.
Thanks I'll let you know how I go and if I need more info.

So what's peoples opinions it's defiently better to diy ??
Another many times forgotten plus for DIY: doing it yourself is more gratifying, especially when you start seeing good results.
For closed quarters id might aswell suggest the bridgelux vesta. Its similar to the blux eb, actually the same diode but an earlier generation.
The Vesta is nice cause it comes with 2 different spectrums: 2700k and 5000k. The 5000k is good for short plants, keeping them bushy. The 2700k is a great flowering spectrum, especially here as it is 90cri. Also quite a lot of bang for buck: about 10$ gets you almost 200 diodes per strip. I usually drive these soft, 700mA /20 w max.
Best driver matching would probably be 8 strips to a xlg150m-ab as this would minimize parallel strings.

This is a build with vestas and some china red stripsIMG_20200607_202323.jpg
Can you all drop as many useful links as possible for me to learn how to build diy a LED that is around 100 watts and I'll need to of them. Because one side of my cab/freezer I'm going to have mother and a few clones just vegging, and then the other side will be flower.

I have plenty of time say 2 months to learn and order and build it and am quite smart.

Cheers guys, and also is it just me or is this led diy stuff sort of underground still?, I've never really heard about it/thought it must of been a waste of time, and from a few searches I feel like there's not that much info out there for the regular guy like me to learn, maybe I'm looking up the wrong words.

there are plenty options.
check led gardener builds as example.

for eb3, seems stock is low, 90cri sold out and low kelvin temps too.
while 3500k 80cri will do you well also.
theyre cheap atm would say.
get 20 2 footers and take 10 for each area... at this price worth a try, 90 bucks for 20.

10 should be enough for each area, its about 800mA max each strip if you go full blast, if, at 100W a third less.

with this driver you would need to take 2 strips in series, so having 5 pairs in parallel to the driver.

get some 100k linear pots too, you will need those to dim the rigs.
also get some AWG18 solid core wire and rest what you think youll need to wire it, wagos are common.
depends on what you need to spend mounting the stuff, a light is below 100 pound incl 150w driver.
future have vestas too, but theyre 7 pound the eb3 4 pound, otherwise nice option for 5000k/2700k 90cri for sure, hope they release them soon with updated leds.
for a quick n dirty mounting which doesnt take ages.
get a white wood plate and some short self tapping screws to mount the strips.
a little plastic box, some wire terminal strips and wire is all you need.
this plate you can simply velcro to the roof.
the leds are no heat problem, its still just wood, need to be considered.
drivers remote anyway, dont think you need that much heat in there.
Can you all drop as many useful links as possible for me to learn how to build diy a LED that is around 100 watts and I'll need to of them. Because one side of my cab/freezer I'm going to have mother and a few clones just vegging, and then the other side will be flower.

I have plenty of time say 2 months to learn and order and build it and am quite smart.

Cheers guys, and also is it just me or is this led diy stuff sort of underground still?, I've never really heard about it/thought it must of been a waste of time, and from a few searches I feel like there's not that much info out there for the regular guy like me to learn, maybe I'm looking up the wrong words.

Look for growmau5 tutorial on youtube and ledgardeners strip reference builds online.
for a quick n dirty mounting which doesnt take ages.
get a white wood plate and some short self tapping screws to mount the strips.
a little plastic box, some wire terminal strips and wire is all you need.
this plate you can simply velcro to the roof.
the leds are no heat problem, its still just wood, need to be considered.
drivers remote anyway, dont think you need that much heat in there.
Thanks everyone and hey I been making frames for lights using 15mm pvc just 4 2foot lengths and 4 corner pieces and just screw everything to that
Will I need to solder things ? And does it come with a plug pre built to be plugged into wall socket or do I have to wire that on