Help day 62 of flower...Not drinking water any more...


Active Member
OK day 62 of flower so close... so stinky, sticky and just beautiful...

4 big budda blue chz and 1 sour diesel in 5 gallon DWC under 1000W

its been almost a week since i gave them the last feeding (nutz, pureblend) and they are no longer drinking...The water actually stinks and is starting to get a white film over it...not good im sure...lower leaves a dropping bad...all the leaves are yellowing and falling off...I thought this was all good, just pulling the sugar from the fan leaves but now i dont think so...Is it time to harvest...Tri's are amber up top but weak on bottom...should i start to flush, is that why its not drinking to nuted water any more...please help i know it close...



Active Member
i would have started a flush on day 56 IMO then harvesting them on day 63-65.. I don't use DWC so im not sure about the film but you should got the water changed now and rinse of the roots with fresh water. also i always hear about something called clearax not sure what it does for hydro because i dont use hydro but someone will know.. for right now get that shit water out get fresh phed in and rinse those roots
Or you could harvest but i beleive you could get a chemy taste from the weed. IMO just do a 2 day flush and check on them then harvest


Active Member
i don't know as far as your problem goes, but i got some blue cheese from a friend recently and it is now among my favorite strains and sour diesel is way up their too...hope your problems get correct


Active Member
flushing them out....Im going to chop um down in 2-3 days, i think thats should be enough fresh water...Ill post my harvest soon...