Help desgin my grow room


Well-Known Member
So whats up fellas....has been a WHILE since i was last on. Anyhow, Im lookin for some good advice on my new grow room. I will soon be posting pics of the space as well as pics of the progress so this should be kinda cool....

The room is a walk in closet thats 8.5 feet wide and 6.5 feet long. Im looking to spend about 1000 on the WHOLE project. I live with my family wife/kids so need it to be some what smell is a MUST!!!!

I really would like to get as much bang for my buck as I can and am looking for a good yielding perpetual garden. Let me know if your thoughts. So far i was thinking...1000HPS in a flowering area and then either 400 watt MH or some T5 Set up for mothers and clones. Gotta get a scruber and some fans....After I clear out the shit from the space ill post pics so you can understand the space im working with.

Thanks in advance for the great advice.


Well-Known Member
hey man you got a nice space to work with there, Personally i would get 2 600w's with cool hoods in there becuase coverage would be alot better, Also Whats happening about ventalation can you cut holes in the walls and stuff?
panda film, soil, anything 4x4 needs 1000 wats atleast for big nugs i would go with cooltubes and a 365 cfm fan with the according carbon filter run no intake so your room has high negative presure and the smell shouldnt escape

as far as mothers and veg if u need fast growth go with the mh , personaly i have enough space and time i just run all t5s for my veg and mothers and i start my seeds under cfls for extraheat
but HID lighting is the way to go if you need super fast veg stages


Well-Known Member
if it was my space id be using 2 x 600w HPSs (spreadable and can be placed a lil closer to plants) for the flowering room and maybe 250w MH or CMH for the veg part, stick 2 coltubes onto the 600w bulbs and bobs your uncle :) when you get some pics up the ideas will start flowing..... :)


Well-Known Member
yea im getting to cleaning out the closet today and will get pics you think i could get 2 600s and vegging lights plus everything else ill need for 1,000?


Not a chance for doing it under $1000 (with the 2 600's), its a good start but it is really expensive to get set up. If you want to keep cost down go with a single 1000 instead of 2 600s, def gonna suffer on lighting but it will help your budget a lot. Huge thread on the best deals that we have been able to find. Good luck, just remember the fan filter combo often ends up being more expensive than the light itself.
Good site


Well-Known Member
If you think you can keep your grow hidden from you wife and kids I'll give you mad props. I'd make sure what your doing is cool with your old lady first before you go spending 1000 large.


Active Member
Never buy a kit when on a low budget.

Look into DIY materials as much as you can. Go to your local hardware store and buy defect wood that may not be perfectly straight or may have dents/dings/knots on it. You don't need your table to look nice just hold together.

Since your room is 8.5x6.5 I would recommend having an area of 6x4 at the most, to give yourself enough room to work around the plants comfortably and to allow adequate room for a resevoir and nutes and such to be laid out in the room.

Get yourself some cheap 2x4 and a sheet or two of plywood for your table. buy some heavy plastic (the stuff you use to line man made ponds/water features at home) to line the table with. Cut a hole for a drain and over flow.

Buy a rubbermaid container that will be big enough to house a pump, airstone, and enough water/nutes to take care of your table. For something this size Id recommend no more than a 20 gal tank.

Build yourself a DIY carbon filter, these can be done for anywhere from $5-$40 depending on how big you make it. There are plenty of guides on this forum to make them, and in the DIY forums theres a thread with like 5 or 6 different methods posted.

Buy mylar or some other reflective material, enough of it to cover your entire ceiling, walls, and what ever else you might want to make shiny in the room ;P

For a room this small I would recommend making a VERY small vegging room for your mother plant off in the corner, just big enough for a mother and 10-20 clones. The rest of your room should be a solid grow table, and just switch all of your plants from veg to flower at the same time. You won't have a continual harvest in this method, but you'll have significantly more room to work with, and produce more bud.

When it comes down to it, the only things that you should be buying premade should be your Lights, ballasts, nutes, and of course your clones/seeds.

I'd recommend building your entire grow room as cheaply as possible (without sacrificing functionality) and then what ever money you have left from your budget, buy the biggest most bad ass lights you can get your hands on.

Good luck, OP


Well-Known Member
that dosent make sense to me $1000 is not a low budget i dont think and why build everything especially if its your first grow.....just buy it get a nice grow tent a carbon scrubber lights lights and a fan is all you need............if you wanna build it and you know how thats cool.... but if you have the money to spend get somthing that will last you years........and if you ever move you dont need to be patching and rebuilding you just pack up your tent and move..........and if you want to have a mother and flower room you can get two tents. and no light leaks


Well-Known Member
thanks for all the great advice....

Ive looked into buying grow rooms and have been to that site 1000 times probbly but if i get that tent that will put me WAY over my limit. Its over 100 for shipping plus seeds and anything else i would need. That puts me atleast a few hunderd over my budget. Never looked into DIY as ive herd hydro was easy to mess up and am not looking to mess up. even if i had one big grow table i could get some t5s or cfls for a small veg room and just put them into the flowering table at diffrent times.right?


Well-Known Member
OK well one thing get some locks on the closet door... then get a 600 watt hps/mh light a good carbon filter (don't make it they are mediocre at best) buy a cabinet on craigslist or something and make that your vegg/clong spott with like 6 cfls will be good and paint the inside white and make sure there aren't any light leaks...


Active Member
Well DIY vs Tents have pros and cons. Tents are portable DIY arent, Incase you move. Tents have warranty's.. In my opinion you should suck it up and make the extra investment, At the end of the day thats your decision. I had one of there tents that ripped when i set it up, I was able to take it back and get a another one, I didnt take it back. just sew it back together. I have a XXL and small tent from HTG. Cheap and work great. Good luck and keep us posted!


Well-Known Member
sorry i didnt respond to this ealier....i DO NOT have to worry about my wife or kids(6 and 2). Shes cool with it and the kids are to small to wonder into my locked closet. They way its looking it seems like 600 watts for flowering will be best for me with the money and space i have.. that will allow me spend more on other things....also 1000 is not SUPER firm i just wont spend more unless i REALLY have to.