Help determining my problem



This is my first post,

So basically, i'm, a noob

So my question is, what could be the problem of my plant,


I haven't given her anything yet except for water,

waaaa T_T.jpg
compared to the other,

I'm growing 6 plants and she is the only one having that problem,

if i am not mistaken(I'm not 100% sure, i'm stoned so i can't really remember),
this is the plant that over germinated on my tissue, which resulted in its roots clinging in to tissue. I remember breaking the tip of the roots when i'm about to transplant it into the soil,

it is day 7 after germination.

More info is needed. what is the medium? is there any additives in it? have you added any nutes? what is the ph? how much and how often are you watering?


it's a mix soil bought from a garden shop, i don't know the ingredients,

for the ph, i also don't know, i don't have a ph meter

i haven't added any nutes and i water it every 36 hours
ok well, the info you are giving is very vague. However, it looks like a deficiency which is likely being caused by lockout. You are soaking the medium every 36 hours? You are overwatering. Does the soil have nutes in it at all or is it toally inert? At that age they need very little water and very little if any nutes. i usually give my seedlings about 1 or 1 1/2 shotglasses of water every other day. Young roots need oxygen to grow and letting them dry out a bit encourages them to stretch out in search of moisture.


Well-Known Member
Yeah every 36 hrs is too much water, I only water my seedlings once when I put em in the soil and approximately 5-7 days later depending on the temp under my stairs and they have all done well so far. Then you can just gauge how much water they consume once the root system starts to develop and she takes off.


ok thanks for the info,

i'm watering them about 3/4 of a shot glass or less, and before i water them i check the soil if dry below or still wet,

maybe i over watered that one, T_T but i noticed that it's yellowish started right from the beginning, im going to monitor this for another 2 days,

thanks guys


oh and i'm from a tropical country, it is raining here today, so the temp is around 25 degrees C, if not raining around 28-31 degrees C,


Well-Known Member
i don't have a ph meter............
for shame; and where's the perlite. they have wet feet, methinks. more drainage.


Sorry if i don't have a ph meter, :eyesmoke:

can you give me the effect of adding perlite? i can't seem to find shop here that sells perlite for small amounts, there are only few garden shops in our city

thank you,


Well-Known Member
drainage and water retention. sounds like opposing properties, but its not. and improved tilthe and aeration
Perlite will help aerrate the medium as well as retain moisture. No need to be sorry I don't own a PH meter either. I go by what my girls tell me. you have no idea what is in the medium though?


well actually, i'm using it on all of my 6 seedlings, but it is the only one with that problem,

maybe it is a crap seed that became a crap plant bongsmilie

or maybe it is the seedling that over germinated in my tissue,

i'm going to use the soil+ baking soda and vinegar test, is it helpful?

i don't really know the ingredients of the soil, the package says "organic soil mix greenhouse #3" wtf:cuss:,

thanks everyone for the help, i really appreciate it

and also

since you guys said that maybe im over watering my plants,

one of the six have some droppy leaves, is it normal? but the color is fine, good green