Help diagnose my ladies!


Active Member
Plants are about 2 weeks old. I started noticing some misshapen leaves on my little ladies. They have a bit of a wavy look. The tips are maybe a bit curly. I've included pictures of the most significant example. I have a potentially separate issue with a different plant. This issue is characterized by some spots on the leaves (it seems most significant on one particular leaf). Please see the second half of the pictures for images of this.

Setup details:
Ebb and Flow
General Hydroponics 3 part flora nutrients
Ph: between 5.8 and 6.2
PPMs: around 850

I have read that this could be one of the following:
Nitrogen Toxicity

I think Nitrogen Toxicity is unlikely because plants in veg are usually hungry for Nitrogen but I am about ready to drain half the reservoir and add straight water. To counter possible under-watering I have increased the water schedule to every three hours from every four hours. I don't think it is over-watering because I have heard the leaves will typically be stiffer.


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Vikerus Forrest

Active Member
This print out I have from mycotopia says it could be PH, Copper deficiency, or maybe even heat? Start with the smallest change and continue until it's looking healthier. Good luck.
Copper deficiency is easily mistaken for over fert. So be careful.


Well-Known Member
They look a little young to be such a high EC, but it looks like a calmag issue.


Active Member
Thanks for the replies everyone. I am starting to feel more and more confidant that it is a cal mag deficiency. I have been doing some research and have seen a number of other growers that have had cal mag issues when using LEDs even when using a product that has everything included. I have not exactly seen any scientific proof on why this may be the case, but results and experience don't lie right? Anyway the plan is to add a cal mag supplement and see how it goes. Unfortunately I can't get to the hydro store before leaving town for a few days so it will need to wait until the weekend. Just gonna ride it out until then and hope everything is ok.