help! did I top it correctly ?


Well-Known Member
It look as though your plant is now throwing one branch per node, unlike it's younger days when it threw branches in pairs.
It's when pairs of branches come off you want to top...


Well-Known Member
How on earth someone could fuck that up is beyond me lol. Don't worry though. Just train it and she still blossom out.

I suggest you type topping plants in google and you'll get so much info it will get you sorted.


Well-Known Member
Could you show us a full pic closeup, the reason I ask is because I had a plant do that outdoors several years ago that growed that way naturally, I went a couple nodes down below it were it was paired evenly and cut the top off, had two shoots grow out and it bushes good, growed beautiful and yield was good also. Good luck bro


Well-Known Member
^^^What kiwipaulie said^^^
Just go a couple of nodes down if you still want to top her...