Help; do i need t5's in my vertical HP aero?

Hello, please check out my setup, i have a question about the clones and wether i need to buy a T5 fixture for my clone area or will the Mh be sufficient or will it be tooo much for the clones?

In the pictures you will see my closet area which i laid out mylar on top and placed my accumulator tank and fertilizer injector and ro storage tank below. You can also see my vertical veg are.

Please let me know as i am almost done with flower area and bringing in the clones soon.



Well-Known Member
I wont use nothing but my t-5's. Clones are trying to root,not take up lots of light.Shouldnt need anything bigger.
At the distance , wouldnt it be fine if i dont put the clones in direct light? How would it be different from 4 tubes directly above the clones? Since metal hilides are the same kelvin as t5? Heat would not be the issue.
I am trying to cut cost, and electricity, also would you still say the same about an ez clone? I am in the process of building an ez clone