Help! Don't Know What This Is


ok i have these plants going. they are about 1 1/2 months into the veg stage. abut 4 days ago i noticed these little bubbly things that are green but look clear almost like a water buble. so i got a pencil and touched then. they are as hard if not harder than the stem. wtf are they? is my plant starting to show sex even though theyve been on 24 hour light since started?



If they were showing preflower, I would say it is a male... but that doesn't seem to be the case here. Im guessing a possible mutation affecting the nodes? Give it another week and see what happens. Im sure it is ok tho


Well-Known Member
I refer to them as knuckles.

I dont know what they are really called.
But its all good. That will happen. Its good to know you have a nice sturdy branch, to support the bud that will come.