Help, droopy leaves

Not sure why plants are droopy, week 7 of flowering. Was feeding them about 2 ltr per 5 gallon pots. Temps hang around 70-75f and humidity around 40-55.

thinking i was under watering them and watered them yesterday 1 gal each pot plain water. New here and can provide info as needed. Haven’t been monitoring my ph or ec. Ppm on mute feed stay under 1000.
Two weeks ago just added a higher powered led light


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That looks like the ole nitrogen claw, not droop.

I thought so too and been giving straight water but doesn’t seem to be bouncing back. Any other suggestions? 3 feeds now straight water, after the 1st feed it bounced back but last 2 it seems like a sad plant.
Unfortunately, where you're at now those plants are FFL. N-Tox is very slow to correct and being in flower I don't think the plant will do much to heal the leaves.

I would feed with much lower nitrogen, something around 75PPM. Sick plants need lower light intensity and nutrients. I would just ride it out with lower light and feeds not going over 1EC and see what you can harvest.
What does FFL mean?
Yea next feed going to lower nute feed to 25% suggested amount and i dropped my light intensity on the kind 1000w to 70%. Hopefully next grow i can be more careful with nitrogen feed. I think i have 3 weeks to go and want them to survive till then.
FFL is $%#&ed For Life :(

I've been there before, had the claw when flowering began. The leaves never healed and went from dark green to brown and then mostly dropped.
The sugar leaves stayed fine, but my yield was horrible.

You can do the quick math next grow and start your feeds at 125PPM nitrogen and then adjust from there.
It's much easier to fix leaves that are slightly lime yellow. A slight bump in N will correct them withing a week.
I have never found a strain that needed more than a 175PPM nitrogen feed.
I am using biobizz line, just biogrow and biobloom not sure how i would dial that in. Buds don’t look too bad, not too concerned with yield. Just want a decent yield, all a learning process for me
Just keep feeding at a reduced concentration from what got you to where you are. Giving nothing but water is going to encourage more problems, especially in flower
I thought you were using salt base ferts when you mentioned PPM and pH.
Ya, you really can't dial in an organic feed like salts.
Organics seems more like a grow by intuition.
I thought you were using salt base ferts when you mentioned PPM and pH.
Ya, you really can't dial in an organic feed like salts.
Organics seems more like a grow by intuition.
Oh sorry about that. I guess that why both of us were confused. I will do 25% of suggested and see how it goes. Thanks for all the help. In your expertise based on pics how much longer do you think i have to go before chopping. Also dropped light intensity to 70% instead of 100%