help fast +REP


Active Member
I got a clone about 2 days ago and put it in fox farm ocean forest soil right away and put an 150 HPS one it with 2 23 watt CFL's around it, the temperature when the lights are on is 70-80, and the temperature when the lights are off is 60-70 F, the humidity when the lights are one is 50-60, and when they're off it goes from 60-70, I have a fan blowing of the clone for one hour on, the a half hour off 24/7. I am hoping this plants looks good, but i just want to make sure, i haven't put and nutrients in yet, and my light cycle is 18/6. The strain is "the purps".
Here are some pictures, any help or suggestions would be GREATLY appreciated. It looks like it's drooping some i just want to know if its drooping too much and whether or not it's an issue.
Look at the first picture for the best idea of droopiness, -thanks guys



Well-Known Member
I think they look a little stressed from the transplant. what do you ph your water at? Rhizotonic is awsome for stressed plants

ultimate buds

Well-Known Member
hi was there a good root structure before you planted as it looks to be drying out
id also turn off the 2 cfl,s for a few days till it gets establishd


Active Member
hi was there a good root structure before you planted as it looks to be drying out
id also turn off the 2 cfl,s for a few days till it gets establishd
The roots were in one of those squares things, and can you explain some more why i should turn off the CFLs.


Well-Known Member
it is. i veg under a 1000hps, but they dont go from flourecents to hps right off the bat. you have to ease them in to the more powerful light


Active Member
ok, other than that do you have any other suggestions to help me out, is the drooping being caused from the light, transfer, or over/under watering?


Active Member
how long do you think i should keep the cfl's on 24/0 and when should i put the HPS into the mix?


Well-Known Member
over under watering always causes droop and is the main cause( but not the only 1), i came home after being away for two days and my leaves were sagging rite down, i gave them a full watering till run off and 5 hours later they were standing proud.


Well-Known Member
Maybe a little af them all. the 3rd pic looks a little dry.when you water, water all the soil. this will promote healthy rooting. a little rhizo or clonex wouldnt hurt


Active Member
does it look under or over watering? i have only watered once when i got it and i put a gallon into the pot, it's a 13 gallon pot


Well-Known Member
I would also turn off the hps and leave the cfls on 24/0.
You don't want the HPS at this point. They should grow pretty well with just the CFL's.

And ONLY WATER them, no nutes for awhile if they show stress.

FFOF has enough nutes for most plants for 4 weeks. :weed:


Well-Known Member
btw 150 watt hps shouldnt cause any problem other than maybe not being able to get it close enuff without heat issues, hps can cause stretching during veg but i use dual spectrum and that helps, i prefer mh alongside hps but it gives off major fucking heat.


Active Member
You don't want the HPS at this point. They should grow pretty well with just the CFL's.

And ONLY WATER them, no nutes for awhile if they show stress.

FFOF has enough nutes for most plants for 4 weeks. :weed:
can i still use micronutrients for the ffof, and oh if i dont use the HPS, when should i start using it again?


Active Member
how long do you think i should keep the cfl's on 24/0 and when should i put the HPS into the mix?
Growing plants during the vegitative state will not provide the right spectrum of light for healthy growth which is why they stretch. You need to use something a little higher on the kelvin scale between 6000K- 7000K. this will give you more usable light and will be far more efficient.

Red light during vegitative growth will also increase the chances of male plants.

Save the HPS for flowering.

Good luck



Well-Known Member
can i still use micronutrients for the ffof, and oh if i dont use the HPS, when should i start using it again?
You really don't need to use GB, BB & TB right off. Let them get going first.

When your plants are nice and bushy, then use the HPS. It's a judgment call, you just don't want to burn the little girls. With Nutes or strong lights. :mrgreen:
looks fine to me man. just lay off any nutes until she gets a little bigger. don't underwater, don't over water...make sure to ph your water every time you water! some may have different advice, but i say 6.2ish is good for soil. make sure there's plenty of ventilation, etc.
good luck, man.