help fast


Active Member
my plant is a couple months into flowering like a month ina half or two its main colla hairs are still purple pinkish at the top but i have some spots on the plant where the leaves are turning orange like the hairs and i looked on the scope and they have amber trichs on it idk when to harvest as soon as i see amber trichs or should i wait because not all of the plant has amber trichs???? help please anything is appreciated

corral hollow kid

Well-Known Member
my plant is a couple months into flowering like a month ina half or two its main colla hairs are still purple pinkish at the top but i have some spots on the plant where the leaves are turning orange like the hairs and i looked on the scope and they have amber trichs on it idk when to harvest as soon as i see amber trichs or should i wait because not all of the plant has amber trichs???? help please anything is appreciated
post pics brobongsmilie


Uses the Rollitup profile
The plant will ripen some parts before others, what we are looking for is ripeness over most of the plant. You can certainly harvest branches separately as you think they are ready, too, but when you take the whole plant at once, some will be ripe, and some will be close.

Read up on Harvest Timing in Marijuana Botany, by Rob Clarke:

Marijuana Botany

HTH :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I suggest harvesting as each section becomes ready...this really does give you the optimal yield...and allows you to harvest some cloudy and some amber triched buds of the same plant to compare for future grows and how ripe you want them. Just my pennyx2


Active Member
thanks everyone for there input so when do u guys think i should cut it down? i mean there is amber trichs on the plant but there is also cloudy and some clear i dont want to mess this up its my first grow only have one plant