HELP!! FF OceanForest, curling/yellowing


Well-Known Member
This is probably my 5th grow now, and my Chemdog and Train Wreck girls are having some issues. Soil is FoxFarms OceanForest (first time using), just plain tap water (used it for past few grows no issues). Plants have been fine up to this point, all the other plants are doing well... Only change was that fact I recently re-potted them from party cups to the bigger containers they are in now. Temps stay 75-80F.

One has some yellowing on bottom leaves and some yellowing/bleaching around the edges of the upper leaves and are curling some.

The other has the upper leaves curling bad, out of no where it was fine earlier today.



What are you feeding it? Fox farm OF is hot in the early stages you dont need to nute at all really for first month and if u dont put lime in straight OF expect some womderful ph issues in week 4ish of flower.


Well-Known Member
What type of dirt you use in the cups? They look
like they're 10"-12" tall that's big enough for ffof
but if you put'em in ffof sooner yo git problems.
I've had nightmare with ffof too this grow I'm
starting now I going with a 50/50 mix of perlite
wish me luck~


Well-Known Member
You answered your own question actually. If every growing condition is the same except for your medium, then your medium has to be the problem. I have seen a number of threads in this section related to FF products, but usually it is due to growers adding stuff unnecessarily on top of their pre-fertilized soil blends. I have no idea how to correct a FF medium, so I can only recommend the obvious...dump FF and transplant back to whatever worked previously.


Well-Known Member
They dont always mix it up perfect at the factory and it can change from season to season.
If they dont always maintain perfect quality control then it can change from run to run or day to day.


Well-Known Member
Actually sorry you guys must of misread my post. This grow is the first time I've used FFof, not that I just replanted them in it. They have been in FF soil from the very start since seed, no other nutes or mix just straight FF and water. They have done completely fine up to this point and all the rest of the plants are doing fine. It's only these two and they seem to have two different issues.

Im starting to think it was a issue from re-potting them into a bigger pot with fresh FF, Looked at them today and they seem to be coming out of it already.


I am having a problem with FFOF too. This is my first time using it and planted strait into the soil with no mixing or adding anything......boy have I learned! First off FFOF soil is a great soil BUT it is a hot soil. Just the same as your plants, I started to notice problems with yellowing leaves, curling under, drying up and dying. I talked to a local grow shop that has a horticulturalist (SP) come in once every 3 weeks or so to awnser questions and give tips to people learning how to grow. He informed me that FFOF is full of nitrogen and can burn your plants or as in my case brought my PH out of range and I was getting nutrient lock out. He sugested to get some dolmite lime and add it to plants as a top dress and a little into my water. Since adding the lime to my plants they have started to show sings of life again.... most of the curling has stopped and no more yellow or dying leafs. He sugested next time to mix FFOF with FF Happy Frog at a 50/50 mix and add domite lyme into the mix to keep the PH from wandering out of control. Hope this helps you with your problems.