Help First Cfl grow, 12 days in 2 plants.


I have recently decided to take up growing, I've chosen Cfl lighting as my light of choice due to being on a low budget. I had actually started the seeds a few days in with a cheap T12 floro light. It stretched the stem on one plant and it seemed like a bad light source so i switched to cfls. I'm 12 days in 1 plant, and the other just sprouted about 3 days ago. I'm growing 2 plants in 16 oz. cups in my closet with 2 lamps (will put plants in 1 gal. pots soon, & i'll post pics tomorrow.) I currently have 1 5000k (23w) Cfl put on both plants along with a 2700k (68w) cfl for veg. I heard mixed spectrums are good i could be wrong though. I'm rather new to this. (just got the 68w today) anyways they seem to be pretty healthy although the bottom two leaves on the more mature plant which i can tell is a female, are completely yellow, i'm sure they'll grow a bit better through veg now though with the new 68w light which i got for both stages. Idk if 2700k is useless for vegging though, but i've heard people have had success. PLEASE let me know. I also have a 42w 2700k cfl i'll switch to when i go into the flowering stage. I'll have a total of 110w (2700k spectrum) on 2 plants in 1 gal pots when i go into flower. I'll be happy to yield a half ounce. How much could i yield you think? The walls are already white so i have an advantage in reflection i guess. Hell i'd even be happy with 10 grams if it was dank bud. I'm guessing i won't have to give nutes for awhile because of the type of soil i used which has nutes mixed in already (Mg potting soil, nonorganic) & yes i know organic is better, i'm switching to organics next grow. Anyways I know i'll get a decent yield for sure because i've seen someone harvest a half ounce with 57w, in a small space however. but i would like you guys opinion on how much i'd yield with 110w.


Well-Known Member
Paragraphs man, paragraphs.

Many CFL growers use mixed spectrum lighting throughout the grow, usually a 3:1 ratio depending on the current light cycle. During veg, use three times the amount of 6400k than 2700k, and the opposite during bloom.

Yes, you can use 2700k bulbs to veg your plants, but the chlorophyll in the leaves make better use of higher spectrums during veg. Using 2700k during veg might cause some undesired stretching, but the plant will grow under it.

With 100w of light, and with optimal growing conditions, you can expect anywhere between 1/4 and an ounce dry, although without seeing your growing environment, that's a total guess. Could be a little more, could be a little less.

Try to post pics of your setup, and please, no more chunks of text. Stoners fear walls of text.


Well-Known Member must post pics.. Or it didnt happen. Lol j/k. But yeah withour pics .. Cant help you much