Help, first grow.


So I planted about 1.5weeks ago, on day 5 it was 30mm tall, and 3-4 days later it hasnt grown?

:-( is it time to say good bye?


Active Member
If the plant is still green and standing its not time to say bye.... You are entirely too early into the grow to be thinking oh no its not growing anymore... different plants grow differently, hell same strains grow differently, hit peak growth at different times etc... Just relax


Active Member
yeah like the dude sez, relax, if it falls over n dies then yeah bin it, but if its green n standing on its own legs then chill !!!!


Active Member
if you had a baby and it didnt grow over a few days, would you trash it?? the answer is no. unless your pH is off or some shit like that, it could be stunted but i would doubt it. you should begin giving them nutes, but only 1/4 strength (not 1/4 strength from the label, but 1/4 from your already broken down strength). if you cut the nute manufacturers chart by 1/3, that should be your full strength. marijuana doesnt like strong nutes, it will burn them, bc they are delicate little girls (think of it like a bitch who thinks shes a princess... gotta take it easy on em)... (then turn her into the little slut she should be) <-- (total side note and joke that kind of makes sense but not really relevant) so if youre full strength is ~33% from the manufacturers recommendation, then you should cut that down to 1/4 for the first week (after about 7 to 10 days from germ) then 1/2 for week 2. then go to full.. hope that helps.. keep your head down and your mouth shut... <-- last tid bit is the best advice youll ever receive!!!