Help First Time Grower Please Help


Hey guys im a first time grower and i planted a kouple of seeds in my backyard,and forgot i had them...When i went to look i had a plant but it dont look so good...It looks very weak and some of the leaves have been eaten by insects and the stem is long and skinny...i would post pictures but dont know how...PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Outside grow I would say invest in some mulch you can mix in your regular outside dirt. Rid the dirt of hard clumps & mix the good dirt in. Take the beefiest plant & put it in the good dirt. Bug check everyday. Regular bug sprays. Water depending on how hotthe weather is& breeze outside should thicken that stem.


maybe you're too late? try giving it nutes at low doseages maybe. Invest in lots of bug repelants, and keep the dog away...