Help First time grower sex plants plzzzz

Tim bob

Could anyone plz help a first time grower sex these 5 plants plz...... have done the google image thing and the forums and im still confussed plz help........ cheers


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I'm not sure but they look hermie white hairs are female but it looks like there are little balls on them almost like pollen sacks are those fem seeds or what
don't take my word for it I would give a little more time or wait for more responses they all have female flowers for sure but looks like they have sacks not sure I havent had a hermie yet knock on wood
Gonna have to agree with blunt, pics 2-3 are obvious signs of female and pics 4-5 show what looks like pollen sacs. I would wait a few more days to be sure, but be aware the pollen sacks can(and will given enough time) pollinate your plant and stop bud production for seed production.
looks like a hermie to me. some balls look like swollen callaxyes but others look like balls for sure. to have a happier grow pull the plant and spend some time and pull the balls off with a pair of tweezers be carefull not to let them spluff there pollen over the plant. you will find balls at every internode all over the plant.
Wow, that blows, they all look hermed out.

I'd probably kill myself if my new beans ended up all being hermies.
Thanks guys for your comments so far keep em coming..... Seeds are lemon sativa..... They were turned after 4 weeks? and 3 weeks into flower.... I did have a case of pythia in early days (dwc) but got that cleared up very smart and all is or was going ok till this point where i cant tell what sex?? Thanks again for comments cheers
I would keep them just rip off every sack you find atleast you'll have some free smoke but you will have seeds disinfect the room before your next grow and get good well trusted breeder regular seeds skunk#1 is sopouse to be good for beginners and its cheap
Yep...they are all hermie. Sorry for your bad luck....You can pluck the balls off but it looks like a couple are starting to open. If they open and spread their pollen you are in for quite the cleanup job. It is very hard to eradicate pollen from a grow area
For future reference, were you able to pinpoint the reason you have hermies other than a possible hereditary disposition?
Sorry bro, just like a night in a Bangkok Nightclub, those sexy little Cupcakes all turned out to be Twinkies, complete with DingDongs.


at least you didnt wake up with a hangover, a headache a sore ass, and no wallet watch or cigarettes...

most likely something in your setup (heat humidity, disease stress, strange chemicals in the air, like paint fumes or a dry cleaner nearby, bad water, (do you have a water softener perhaps?) and the strain you chose all came together to create the perfect storm of transexual plants.

i would go through and step by step re-evaluate my growing conditions,

are you near an industrial area, or near any source of chemicals in the air (dry cleaners, auto shops, meth labs etc...) but not smells, smells dont matter to plants, only chemicals. your local thai food place has less to do with your plants than the photo developing place next door will. you might want to consider a carbon filter on your INTAKE air as well.

if you have a water softener, either stop using it, or pipe in water for your grow from BEFORE the water softener. those things just fill your water with salt to drive out calcium and magnesium. salt is bad for plants and will stress them

how hot does it get at your rooms peak temp? how cold at the bottom? a really wide spread might cause this problem in rare cases. stabilize your temps with a large (55 gal) covered water barrel, to absorb heat and share it during light-out.

if the humidity is way high, ventilation ventilation ventilation will help. if it's way low, like desert living kind of low, the barrel mentioned above with the lid off might help.

it could be any of these things, or all of them, or it could be you got seeds with the genetic flaw already active in them, like a mutant. with super powers. to bad getting you high isnt one of their powers. some species of plant with imperfect flowers are always hermies, like corn for example. maybe you just met the next evolution in dirt weed.

sorry bro.
I guess it can be about anything...and here I thought the leading contender might have been the light schedule or light leaks.
pic 2 shows at least one open pollen sac. as has been said, plant is a hermaphrodite. I would get rid of it, esp. if you are growing anything else.
I guess it can be about anything...and here I thought the leading contender might have been the light schedule or light leaks.

was your light scedule fucked up? did you have light leakage into your room? thats a part of the re-evaluating i was talkin about.

give your whole system a rundown, from top to bottom, to find the problems and eliminate them.

you dont want this problem again. fix everything, and get your shit locked down hard. if the next batch of a different strain from a different seed company also gives you 100% hermies... umm maybe you offended a gypsy fortune teller, or your family suffers under an ancient curse, or maybe the universe is trying to tell you something profound.
Thanks dude for your post first 2 lines had me laughing out loud....... Im near 100% sure there isnt any chemicals effecting them and i do have a carbon filter in place having said that any ideas how to clean the carbon filter well to make sure there isnt any pollen in it??? Im not using watr softener! And i was on a light schedule of 18 & 6 in the grow and 12 & 12 in the flower.... Temp gets to about 27c max and light of down to about 20c. Humidity i dont think was an issue was about 45 - 50% maybe a little less at times and as for seed quality i got no idea of there history.......... During the grow i got pithia really bad roots hardly grew looked real bad but wih chemicals and the use of ozone i got that cleared up and had really good looking root system and plants... I think that could be what stressed them but could be anything really??? my lack of knowledge doesnt help...
Ideas on what to use to dissinfect the room for pollen etc and any ideas what to soad the rock wooll in prior to plants being in them????...

Thanks to all comments thus far doesnt suddenly give me female plants but appreciate the help cheers guys......